Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Monday Question

 A question for your parents.

Have you ever been bitten or scratched by a pet?Mommy has been lucky. The worst she has received is a scratch.

When Daddy was a boy he got bit on the hand by his own dog trying to break up a fight


  1. A bit like your story, Gail was once bitten (not badly) by a terrified Bertie when a neighbour's dog had attacked Bertie and she was trying to separate the two dogs.

  2. it happened sometimes... da phenny got the nose of our dad as he was a puppy and the mama needed stitches, because there was a kind of stephen kings cujo aka a chihuahua she rescued from the street, but that dog hurt two fingers of her...

  3. Scratches galore, but any bites have been fake ones, thankfully.

  4. Neither of our parents has had any major bites or scratches with our dogs. There are always some puppy play bites or scratches but they aren't serious and are just because the pups were learning boundries.

  5. Mama has been bitten a few times...mostly by Arty, who had "bitey issues"
    Rosy and Sunny

  6. same heer ruby, de gurl tried ta stop nother dawg frum fightin de furst bull dawg in TT๐Ÿ™€๐Ÿ™€๐Ÿ™€and with de catz and clawz…count lezz ‼️๐Ÿ˜บ

  7. Never a bite here, but maybe a few totally unintentional scratches. But sometimes bites and scratches do happen when the peeps aren't being careful. We don't think we would ever try to bite any peeps unless they were hurting us or our family, and even then we would really try to be careful.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  8. Just unintentional scratches from da Angel Kitties

  9. I've not been bitten, but our kitties can scratch now and then. They don't mean to hurt us, but it happens.

    Have a woof woof day, Ruby Rose. ♥

  10. Mom had a very short jogging career and one afternoon, a German Shepherd ran out into the street and had her arm in his mouth. He never broke the skin but it really scared her. The owners were right there and saw the entire thing. Mom was lucky!

  11. My mom will forever have a divot in her left forearm from intercepting one of her huskies taking issue with the other - she can feel it down into the muscle - and she'll always see it too - she knows tail yanking is the usual MO for separation but she was sitting in a video rocker type chair when Banshey took issue with LadyGray -


  12. Charlee: "Chaplin and I have inflicted a few scratches accidentally but never a bite, unlike, say, Oona."
    Oona: "Oona does not bite humans. She gnaws on them like a little gremlin. If Oona wanted to bite, trust her, the humans would know."


Wordless Wednesday