Monday, October 28, 2024

Monday Question

 What is your exercise routine?

Five days a week, in the spring, summer and six weeks in the fall I go for a walk around the block before supper? After that my walks are sporadic because I don't do winter.

Several times a day I get down from the furniture to walk into the kitchen for water, treats, and I don't remember why.

I rise up from all fours, stand by the kitchen window and do loud barking exercises.

When food is served I stand up and walk backward burning several calories I quickly obtain back when I eat. 

I jump on to the recliner, and the sofa, by myself, unless I don't feel like,  then I stand in front of the piece of furniture looking pathetic it, until I am lifted up.

I, unassisted jump from the couch cushions to the back of the sofa, unless I don't feel like it and just lie down on the cushions.

I vigorously lick my Dad's face transferring excess calories to him. I don't do it with my Mon: She doesn't like extra calories.

I eat quickly because it makes the calories fall on to the dish. Also eating quickly is good cardio Daschle exercise.

Don't pretend you're not impressed. I am going to lie down on the couch but only if someone picks me up.


  1. I get long walks or else I bounce off the walls

  2. My exercise routine is simply to watch mine Mommy try.

  3. we do walks twice per day and we also hunt... well sort of , we have different ideas than our mama ;O)))

  4. Mom and I walk around 7am, when the sky lightens and she's not afraid the coyotes will eat us for breakfast. We are walking up to 45 minutes now. The rest of the day, I run and play in the house with balls and toys.

  5. I follow Mom to whatever room she goes to - keeping her safe -
    When NAK and NAL lived here, she did a lot more walking - but she's gotten big lazy since I came to The Khottage

  6. Ruby, Da Boyz wrestle with each other quite actively about once a day, which includes screeching and growling. Both like wand toys too, which we wiggle around as they jump and swat. Henry hasn't figure out 'play' yet, but we'll keep trying.

  7. ruby…eye am imprezzed ‼️πŸ’™ eye like ta run at top speed thru de houz and damn ta anything gettin in my way 😺😺😺🐟🐟

  8. Our exercise routine is similar to yours. Millie really doesn't have an exercise routine other than messing up the big bed after every meal so that our dad has to put it back together. Walter's exercise comes from making sure nobody in the house misses any meal (canine or human). He will prance around and make sure our parents are aware of the time so they know it's time to feed us or themselves. BOL!

  9. We think you have a well balanced exercise routine...Ours is similar, with the added neighbor barking and fence running!
    Rosy & Sunny

  10. Our exercise routine is scooping litter boxes!

  11. We each get walktime with Mom every day as long as it is not pouring rain or icy or bitter cold. She needs the walk as much as we do. Other than that, we get our exercise from doing zoomies with each other:)

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  12. Hubby and I work out 6 days a week. When we had Angel Little Bit she went for a walk every single day. I play spring with Squeaker. I throw it and she chases it down and we do that over and over.

    Have a fabulous day and week. ♥

  13. lol, we are just reading this post….and unknowingly answered your question with our post today!


Wordless Wednesday