Thursday, October 31, 2024

Poetry Thursday: Choose Kindness


My good friends the Two Spoiled Cats’ humans went to Maine for a week, so we don’t have a photo to inspire us this week, so I am going to publish one of my own poems: “Choose KIndness.” It is something I hope all American voters will do on Tuesday when they elected a President.

This election season has been a grind

Its enough to make a Griffon lose her tiny mind

So when you choose the next person to lead mankind

Please consider picking the one who will be kind

While it may seem like we need someone to rule through hate and fear’

That we have no tolerance for those who are black, brown, or queer

We need to remember when our ancestors arrived after a hellacious trip they had to persevere

They were never met by the tip of a spear.

I know this country has more problems them an honest main can bear

And there are people who llve in despair

Thinking in only terms of hate will get us nowhere

So try kindness, the kind you find in a prayer

Hate is never right

Hate leads to violence and a fight

Hate is usually leads to plight

Hate is the devil’s delight

Kindness is never wrong

Ir causes everyone to get along

It put dances in you feet and in your heart a song

KIndness seems weak but it is really strong

If you vote for kindness you won’t regret it

Kindness never makes you a hypocrite

Kindness makes you never feel like a misfit

Kindness is always legit

So please choose kindness when you vote

 Find then kindness candidate to promote

To the evil in the world kindness is the antidote

And in bad weather kindness gives you a lifeboat.


  1. Bravo! That is just the totally purrfect poem!

  2. Ruby - we nominate YOU for President. Your poem is so good and so meaningful.

    Happy Halloween.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  3. we would vote for you if we could...

  4. Excellent advice. When my brother was expressing mild reservations about his daughter's boyfriend earlier this week, I asked just one question. "Is he kind?" My brother answered with certainty that he is and that was enough for me. (What father does not have the odd reservation about their beloved daughter's partner!)
    Cheers, Gail.

  5. Well said, Ruby - very well said!

  6. That's a percect poem for our election. We have our paws crossed that kindness will win over evil.

  7. Our BLUE ballot has been received - and I've been hearing my mom say lots of HBO words about the old rotten orange baby man - and she has really ramped up the words after hearing what he said about Liz Cheney in AZ last night with the other a$$ - pathetic 'humans'


  8. Lulu: "A tail wag is more likely to get you a belly rub than a growl is, that's for sure!"


Wordless Wednesday