Monday, March 24, 2025

Monday Question

 Do you play with your parents and if so what is your favorite game?

Daddy is good at getting down all fours and we play pounce. I turn away pretending not to see him then I suddenly pounce and lick his face.

He knows I am going to pounce but he is still startled when I do it


  1. we play a lot but da nelly turns into da terminator whily playing so it is a kind of gladiator game for the staff

  2. Mom and I play a lot. My favorite toys are my Hartz squeaky balls and mom kicks them to me while I bat at them with my benebones. It's so much fun!

  3. As a couple of senior pups we don't play much, but our dad sometimes plays with us when we get a bit frisky.

  4. Manny love the ribbon toy, and CB the NekoFly toy.
    Henry won't play with us yet, but he certainly loves to chase balls around.

  5. We play with our kitties each day. Red dot and fetch the most. It's important that our babies know we love them.

    Have a woof woof day and week, Ruby Rose. ♥

  6. sum timez…but knot all wayz and dee pendz on me mood as ta what eye wanna play with 😺‼️💙🐟

  7. BOL BOL RUBY Rose...Madi's favorite sport/game was watch Mom retrieve my nip toy that she threw for me.
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. We both LOVE to play with our pawrents! Sunny's favorite game is fetch and Rosy loves a good game of tuggy!

  9. We love to play the Tummy Game - you get down on the floor near Mom or Dad, roll over so your belly is up, and then get them to do rub-a-dub dub all over the furry tummy.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  10. We are not players here - save for what foods will Mom share AND where will The KhrossTrek take us!


  11. Even my ferals like to play with us with a string or a laser.

  12. Chia: BOL on the pounce game! I get the stuffie I want to play with and jump on the couch next to my Mom with it. She keeps trying to grab it, and finally she tricks me and gets it, then throws it across the room. Sometimes Xena goes after it, but I usually get it and bring it back to do it all over again.

  13. Java Bean: "Our Dada is really good at getting down on the floor and playing with us dogs, too! I wasn't sure what to make of it at first but now I hop around him and play bow. It's lots of fun! At least until Lulu comes over and shoves me out of the way because she wants all the attention for herself."
    Lulu: "I was here first, so I have dibs on Dada."


Wordless Wednesday
