Monday, July 8, 2024

Monday Question

How did you do with the fireworks?

And can our parents do anything to stop it, especially the back door ones

 My parents are I were lucky, i am not bothered with by fireworks, but feel terrible for my friends that do.

My dad has, since the days of Pocket being scared to death, has said he was going to talk to his State Rep, but the knowledge that it would change nothing stop him


  1. Here in the UK, our 'fireworks night' is 5th November. They don't bother me, but I too feel sorry for all the pets who are scared. Gail did felt like letting off fireworks this weekend to celebrate our (smooth) change of government in the UK. She says we now have "grown ups in charge".

  2. I am not bothered by them but Molly sure was and I feel so bad for so many pups that are.

  3. We're not sure why, mebbe the wind blew another way this year, but the boomers seemed very muted, thankfully we could hardly hear them! Usually Juney hides in the closet, but she didn't even bother to do that this night.

  4. Neither of us are bothered by the booms, but some of our Angel sisters were terrified of them.

  5. eye hid under de bed…de gurl saw a coyote a few yeerz bak runnin thru
    de naybor hood ta get a way frum em…..sad 😢

  6. Ours were so loud this year that even those not normally bothered by fireworks were. Nothing can be done here, the rednecks consider it a birth right.

  7. A nut 3 houses from us set off fireworks from 9-10pm on July 3?!
    It has been so dry too it was kinda scary. Then the official fireworks of the city were rained out.
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. The only night that was really bad was July 4th night, Sunny was a little scared but the pawrents turned the music up and she settled down.
    Rosy...who is not bothered by fireworks

  9. Not well would be putting it mildly. Surprising to Mom, Misty did better than Timber although neither of us was very happy with the multiple nights in a row of horrible bangs. Fireworks are illegal in our city but everyone still shoots them off. The police don't seem to be terribly responsive.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  10. Hi hi hi! Ojo here! Fireworks are terrible. We live in the place called Canada, so ours happened a few days earlier, but it was Very Windy so they mostly didn't happen at all. This is a Good Thing!


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