Monday, July 1, 2024

Monday Question

It is Independence week the states, a country of immigrants. And I want to know the countries where your parents originated. 

It is Independence week the states, a country of immigrants. And I want to know the countries where your parents originated.

If you are not an American, what nationality are your parents, and will you take us in after the election?

My mother is Irish and Portuguese.

My dad is Portuguese and English. 


  1. have a wonderful birthday week, with only goood things...

  2. My dad was Italian and mom was English.

  3. We are all immigrants, like "six degrees of separation ~ more of less" and it matters not. VOTE BLUE.

  4. Both our parents were born in the USA, but we have a grandma that was born in Germany on our mom's side and our dad's great grandparents were from Sweden and Ireland. We agree with Zoolatry...VOTE BLUE!

  5. There could be a lot of ex-pat Americans in the near future.
    Have been trying to coax The Hubby to move to Italy, since I can get citizenship due to my ancestry.

  6. ruby..ancestree heer is irish and german 🍺🍺‼️😺

  7. Both of my parents were born in the USA. My Grandparents were born in Lithuania and Germany.

  8. Our peeps were born in the US.A., as were their parents. But the next generation back came from Ireland and England.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  9. I hear that same dread - with lots of HBO words - here at The Khottage - Mom feels 'lucky' she's in the homestretch of her time here - she'll be 65 in August - and is glad she chose not to have Human Pups - they deserve better than what we might be doomed to become -
    Her maternal side is all Irish - and here from '?' -
    Her paternal grandmother came from Rugby England in the early 1900's - with her husband - and the paternal grandfather - he was Eastern European of some sort - HungarianCzechRomanian?

    And wherever you go, please take us along too -


  10. Gail is English but we live in Scotland. Scotland wants more immigrants and would welcome your family.


The Ruby Rose Report. Club Humpers

  I. am a night dog. When the covers are turned down it is my time to play. When I am done I lie in the bed, in the fugue state we dogs slip...