Sunday, July 28, 2024

Foley's Tales From Rainbow Bridge: Welcoming Uva


Uva saw the light.

The beloved dog of Gabrilea and her husband Uva was on the other side of 15, and all that was keeping the Bridge angels away was a powerful desire to stay with her parents.

Occasionally, the Dark Angels, who claim reluctant souls and guide them to the Bridge, forget about a delinquent soul, move on, and these lucky pets outlive their expected heartbeats.

But other times the Dark Angels send pain, disease, and discomfort, increasing it each day until life is unbearable.

This is what happened to Uva.

And yet she hid it from her parents until the pain was too much.

Uva was in her yard, breathing slowly, deciding if he should finally send the signal to his mom that it was time when he saw a light in the woods.

Curious, she stood and began to walk into the area her parents had sworn her not to go alone. Every step became easier, and she could breathe again. Then she felt her body pass over, and the next thing she experienced was the warm water that flowed under the Bridge. She climbed out and crossed the rainbow-covered Bridge where her friends, and her parents' former dogs, all now angels, awaited her.

Uva was young again, all her pain gone, and safe with her friends. She greeted them all warmly and had a spring in her step. She ran around, testing her legs, and barked happily, back to being fully voiced.

His friends, the angels, kept him busy, so he could not see what happened in his wake, how his parents were frantic when they learned he was missing, how the local authorities began to search the area, and how his dad found his mortal remains in the world, which his soul had abandoned when she crossed over. 


Uva would find out the next day, which was frustrating and sad for her: Because she could not find a way to signal her Mom that she was at their forever final home: Waiting.

That is the hardest thing for all angels, to learn how to send their parents a signal. Most never do. But I am betting that Uva does.

Because her mom needs to know the only things that have changed are her location and availability. That Uva is young again, and waiting.

I am sure Uva will succeed, and renew her mom's belief in life without end, and that we will all be together one joyous day.

When we all walk into the light.



  1. Such a sweet Angel, but that did have to be so sad and shocking for her Dad and Mom. We send them both hugs.

  2. We're sad Uva made her journey to the Bridge but know she is feeling much better now and she can't wait for the rest of her family to join her.

  3. A very lovely tribute to Uva who lived her life to the fullest
    Hugs to those left behind

  4. Purrs and hugs to Angel Uva's Earth-bound family.

  5. We are so happy that Uva is no longer in pain but our hearts ache for the family that she leaves behind♥

  6. Such a beautiful tribute to sweet Uva. We are happy she is no longer suffering.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  7. So touching. Poor little Uva. I am sorry that she had to suffer so long first. At least she can keep an eye on her parents and visit them in dreams to tell them what to do.


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