Thursday, July 4, 2024

Poetry Thursday


It is time for another installment of Poetry corner with out hosts Angel Sammy and Teddy.

They provided for photo below to inspire our poerty


Larry was a very worried bear

Almost to the point of despair.

It was a week before the polar bear ball

And did he have a date? Not at all

He didn’t have a  thing to wear

And no one to go with, Sabrina said  no as did Cousin Clair

The morning of the dance Brother Bruce found Larry sitting on a bank

And decided with Larry he needed to be frank

“If you want to attend.” Larry said “just go stag”

Larry answered that if he went with a gay deer he would be a punching bag

Bruce remembered what his mom said was, in dealing with Larry, a rule of thumb

Speak slowly and clearly because Larry is a litle dumb

Bruce knew Larry didn’t stand a chance

Because at the ball it would be clear Larry didnd’t know how to dance

So Bruce decided to do all he could do

To teach his brother to dance, knowing it would fail, in all likelihood.

They slightly swayed to and fro

Shuffling their feet in the snow

Until it was time to go
Larry was ready to put on a show

He strolled in asked for a dance from the first girl her saw
And when he began moving the other bears stood in awe

Because Larry moved like a hair ballerina 

Impeessing his date, the princess polar bear, Angelina

He slipped, he slid, he stopped, he bopped, he bumped a did the grime

He moved so quickly he did not see the line

His thoughts in his dancing paradise

He fell through the ice

Usually Larry would have been crestfallen

But he did not care that he had fallen

But nothing bothered him because he had found the answer

From this day forward Larry was a dancer


  1. is that a poem about our dancing dad? hahahahahahaha

  2. To quote a song from Mom's many years ago by Crack The Sky - look them up - they were from Merryland -


  3. We love your poem and are happy Larry found his purpose in life.

  4. That was a super cool dancing poem, bravo!

  5. Your poem made us laugh! Thank you!


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