Monday, July 22, 2024

Monday Question

What do you think about water?

Do you like or hate baths?

Have you swam?

In a pool?

In a lake?

In the ocean?

Do you pull to go home if you are on a walk if it starts to rain?

Do you hate puddles?

Do you hate having wet paws?

Do you hate having them dried off?

I don't like water.

I get bathed at the groomer's and cooperate but I don't like it.

I have never swam and don't like to walk in the rain.

To me, water is only to drink.


  1. Angel Little Bit loved the water, but only to cool down. Didn't like swimming, but often fell in by accident and then swim the bank to get out. She loved spa days, but if she needed a bath she was good about letting give her a bath. We miss her so.

    Have a woof woof day and week, Ruby Rose. ♥

  2. Our kitties only like water to drink!

  3. We like to drink water and one time when we went to Lake Ontario, we both just wandered into the water but just barely enough to get our paws wet. Neither of us likes baths and we don't mind having our feet wiped since it happens every day and on rainy days multiple times per day.

  4. We only get bathed at the groomer's too. It would be too hard for Mom to do it at home. Our groomer tells Mom that she doesn't do any other Siberians besides us because they don't behave. She says we are the best behaved dogs she does and that is why she lets us come back. So we guess we don't complain too much about the bath. We don't like to be out in the rain. We aren't crazy about the wiping of our paws, but Mom has convinced us to let her do it anyway. She has tried with all of the seven Sibes she has had to get us to like a kiddie pool, But we just drink the water. We won't even put a paw in. Never been to a lake or the ocean. But we DO love snow:)

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  5. On a warmer day (that's plus 60°F) I like to go for a paddle in the water (river, loch or sea), or even a swim. I find water fascinating and even in cold weather I will run down a river bank to check it out. Gail says that's weird for a terrier, but what does she know?

  6. we are the water-gate scandal on 4 legs... in our bowl it is ok, but even a puddle is a challenge... we both messed up the exam with the water work, who needs ducks if you have duck-t tape?

  7. I have only had a bath twice and it was okay both times. Mom won't walk in the rain but I don't mind going outside to pee when it's raining down on my head. I've never been in the water to swim but I do occasionally splash my feets in my water bowl!

  8. da tabbies o trout towneJuly 23, 2024 at 10:09 AM

    ruby….eye due knot mind water…ta play in, but takin a full on bathe…prob a blee knot 🙀😺‼️🐟

  9. Redford here! I like to wade in the ocean, but that's it! I hate the hose and baths and even the water bottle on our walks!

  10. Da Boyz will tolerate a cool, wet cloth on their fur, when it's super hot.
    That's as far as they get with water; won't even drink it.

  11. We don't know...I don't mind the rain...and curious whe Mom starts her shower...and I like to take refuge in the shower but I haven't gotten or needed a bath since coming to The Khottage



The Ruby Rose Report. Club Humpers

  I. am a night dog. When the covers are turned down it is my time to play. When I am done I lie in the bed, in the fugue state we dogs slip...