Sunday, August 25, 2024

Foley's Tales From Rainbow Bridge: Alain DeLeon the man who wanted to take it with him (And Loubo Who Did Not Want to Be It)


When senior dogs and senior humans are together, and dependent on one another, sometimes, they wish they could go to the other side together. 

That was Alain Delon’s wish.

I am sure you recognize the name. He’s a famous French actor, on par with the best basketball player in Liliputain. I believe he starred in Blah Blah Blah, and Blah Blah Blah II: More Blah

Alion was a sex symbol in France where strangely groomed poodles are the height of beauty. He had a slew of women, but his favorite bed partner was his Belgian malinois named Loubo,

A few months ago a worried Loubo requested a prayer, They were both older, and had said how nice would it be to go together. At first Loubo thought that meant slipping away in the night together. Alion had other plans. 

“He wants me to be put down when he passes over the Bridge, but if I go first I know he’s going to stay. I don’t blame him. I want to stay too. But, my duty is to my Dad. What am I to do?”

It was a quandry, so very human, and French to boot. The Big Guy frowns on souls who follow their loved ones into the dark. Sometimes he doesn’t let you cross, making you wait in a Ramada by the Bridge. People who have stayed in Ramadas by the airport on the human side say it is hell.

But, Loubo had an oath

And so did I.

I visited all the humans who knew Loubo and found one friend to take him in. When the will was read and Loubo's fate discussed it was decided that Aliane's final wish could be delayed.

No one was happpier than angel Aliane who, upon crossing the Bridge immediately realized his mistake and wanted was happy his decision was postponed because he gets to visit a happy Loubo in the mortal world and Aliane can work on making sure it is a long time until Loubo will follow him into the dark..


  1. We read this story too and were horrified by Monsieur Delon's request. It is a sad truth that not all dog owners are nice people and it is clear that Loube will be better off with his new family.

  2. We're so glad Loubo was allowed to live and hope he enjoys his senior years.

  3. We had a friend who did the same and I refused to go to his funeral because of his idiotic asshole request that sent his dog to the Bridge with him.

  4. Lulu: "We are glad that Loubo will get to spend more time with some new humans to love and spoil him before his Rainbow Bridge reunion!"

  5. I recently heard about a local woman who was making her final arrangements. The funeral home director knew she was married. He assumed the plans applied to both. The lady bought one burial plot
    and she made it clear that all the urns of her beloved pets would be in her casket. We were told what is put in your casket prior to it being closed is not an issue when you are buried. Her hubby was not interested in having the same arrangements.
    Hugs Cecilia


The Ruby Rose Report. Club Humpers

  I. am a night dog. When the covers are turned down it is my time to play. When I am done I lie in the bed, in the fugue state we dogs slip...