Friday, August 16, 2024

The Ruby Rose Report: Resting Sad Face

Like many other dogs, I suffer from SFS, otherwise known as 'sad face syndrome.' No matter how I feel, my face betrays me, signaling that I have a chronic case of the blues. Here is a picture of me after my parents came home, let me out of my crate, and made my favorite treats

I am delighted, filled with happiness, and almost giddy with joy. Now, here's another photo of me when I found out that I have to be crated all afternoon and my parents are leaving me behind.

This face is a problem.

I am upset in the second picture, but since I look the same as when I am happy, my parents think I am okay with being left. That makes me frustrated. Here is a picture of me feeling that way.

I look like Spock’s dog with resting Vulcan face.

I do have one other face.

When I have this face on people say: “Look at that happy little dog.”

I am not happy. I am stressed out from my walk, I am trying to cool down and look like I was just rescued after being in a hot car for a half hour.

Many fellow dogs suffer from this: When we are at our most tired, overheated, and stressed we look like we just walked in on our surprise birthday party.

Here is my “I just walked into my surprise birthday” face.


People do not respect the Resting Sad Face.

Sometimes, when I pass a human, they will say “Hey, little girl, what’s wrong, give me a smile.”

“I don’t feel like smiling but if a tree branch fell and crushed your skull, I might be able to perform a small pant,” I answered.

People say it is the lack of opposable thumbs that makes animals inferior to humans.

They are mistaken.

It is the lack of a middle finger, which I would have given to the jerk who wanted to me smile for his amusement.

You think we bark too much? Give us a middle finger and we will stand in the kitchen window and silently flip off every person, bird, and squirrel who comes in our yard.

And when you tell us you’re going to be gone for the day and put us in our crate don’t turn around because we will be flipping the bird until you come home.

For now, I leave you with a picture of me being the happiest I have ever felt



  1. Gail says that it can be hard to read my face 'cos I have too much facial fuzz, but that doesn't matter as the rest of my body, especially my tail, is very expressive.

  2. You are an adorable girl, Ruby, and we love all of your wrinkles!

  3. Happy or sad you still are adorable, Ruby Rose.

  4. I'm glad you are a happy girl (most of the time) and we will always enjoy seeing your happy face!

  5. Ruby Rose I always see happy in your beautiful eyes.
    Hugs Cecilia

  6. I must say.....I read every one of your stories, Ruby, but usually don't comment because it's hard typing on a teenie tiny phone keyboard. BUT, I have to comment on today's story. I'm still laughing and I REALLY loved reading about your SAD face! :) LOL

  7. We think you are happy most of the time, Ruby, but it is good to keep the peeps guessing.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  8. Ruby, you are a cutie no matter what.

  9. We hope this post helps educate your people on your faces. Why do people ever have to leave us? Lee and Phod

  10. We think all your faces are adorable love you Ruby Rose. Dallas and Belle Lawson


The Ruby Rose Report. Club Humpers

  I. am a night dog. When the covers are turned down it is my time to play. When I am done I lie in the bed, in the fugue state we dogs slip...