Thursday, August 8, 2024

Poetry Thursday

 We are again participating in Two Spoiled Cats Poetry Thursday

Here is the photo that was selected to inspire us

Get a potbelly pig that’s what they said

After hearing too many times how lonely was Ned

It  would be better than a dog, he doesn’t shed

And would keep Ned warm on cold nights in bed.

Ned found a man who was rehoming his pig

The man promised Ned it would not get to big

And held his breath worried that Ned would renege

Which Ned might have done if he caught while leaving the man dancing a jig

He named the little pig Trevor

And Ned taught him some tricks and said he was clever

Ned was pleased with his endeavor

And when Trevor started to grow it bothered him not whatsoever

Today Trevor weighs more than 700 pounds

And it is an effort for him just to get off the ground

To feed him Ned took all his neighbor’s garbage that could be found

His friends began to worry that his reasoning was not sound

His friends said: “Maybe it is time to find Trevor a new home,
Some place he could roam”

But Ned refused to say Shalom

It was a terrible way to end a poem

Ned stayed loyal to Trevor despite his girth

Size was no way to measure worth

Trevor was Ned’s bear friend on Earth

Because to Ned friends were something no longer in dearth


  1. that often happened as the piggies became pigpular ... but great that trevor could stay ...

  2. A word of respect to the manufacturer of that still intact sofa.

  3. That's a great poem. We're glad Trevor and Ned stayed together.

  4. We loved your poem and we had to laugh at Nobby's comment - but he is right!

  5. That really was a good one and yes, that's some strong sofa!

  6. A tribute to a wee little piggy -

    ready to run away
    Run away




The Ruby Rose Report. Club Humpers

  I. am a night dog. When the covers are turned down it is my time to play. When I am done I lie in the bed, in the fugue state we dogs slip...