Friday, August 23, 2024

The Ruby Rose Report: Ruby Goes to the Convention


On Monday, I prepared to fulfill one of the most important duties of my life. I was elected by the local dogs and cats to represent us at the Democratic Convention where we would nominate a pet to be our leader because neither candidate for President has one, and we are facing a crisis in leadership.

One of the candidates for President doesn’t dog. He says negative things about people and follows it up with “Like a dog.” He must be confused because the proper use of “Like a dog” is following phrases like: “She was beautiful,” “She was smart,” or “she sniffed my crotch.” It is the highest compliment a human can receive.

Then there is the guy he is running with, an anti-catidite. He doesn’t think women should grow old with just a cat, which I agree with because no one should grow old without a dog, but he looks like a guy who doesn’t like us either. Old, single people are our bread and butter. Without them, we will be roaming the streets in wild packs.

In July, the cats came together to nominate their candidate for pet leader, and surprisingly picked Babydog, all agreeing Washington was too dirty for felines.

Four years ago when I was in puppy embryo training, the pet convention nominated Baron Biden to be Pet Leader without checking with him if he wanted the position or had the mental acuity to perform the job. To abdicate the position, he bit anyone who came in contact with him. Sadly, it was ruled he had immunity so he had to keep biting people until he was finally allowed to retire to a farm. 

That is why this year we needed to find an appropriate candidate. I interviewed dozens and was impressed with a rescue dog named Scout. He was originally Gene, an abandoned rescue. At 11 weeks old, he was left with his littermate in a ravine right in Oklahoma before a rainstorm. A woman found them and coaxed the dogs out before it flooded. The litter was taken in by a Midwest Animal Rescue. Gene, the calmest dog, charmed the workers. 

When he became available, he was adopted by the Governor of Minnesota and could now belong to the Vice-President, which meant his dad would have a lot of time to spend with him over the next four years. If either Baby Dog or Scout wins, we will be in good paws, a lot better than the humans.


  1. Great topical story!
    I had been wondering why for the past few weeks Gail has been going round cheerfully describing herself as a "childless dog lady". Thanks to a certain American VP candidate, she now considers this a badge of honour.

  2. Bravo! Blue dogs and cat ladies unite!

  3. We watched all of it!

    So many caring humans - so many people that get it -

    Unlike *cough* the na$ty babbling mean mentally unstabl genius -

    Thanks for sharing your report -

    Vote WOO - Vote BLUE!


  4. All politicians must be spayed or neutered, that would solve most of the problems!

  5. We hope Scout and his family get elected to serve and not the pet-less pair.

  6. Ohhhhhhhhh if animals were in charge the world would be in good paws
    Hugs Cecilia

  7. Yes, we need paws in The White House. :)

  8. Lulu: "They definitely need to put the dogs in charge. We will make sure everyone gets along."
    Charlee: "You misspelled 'cats' there Lulu ..."

  9. Good for you, Ruby Rose, great commentary on the state of affairs.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  10. Hi hi hi! Ojo here! This sounds very confusing, I am glad you are understanding it! Also, your pictures is fantastic! And worth bacon. Did you get bacon?


The Ruby Rose Report. Club Humpers

  I. am a night dog. When the covers are turned down it is my time to play. When I am done I lie in the bed, in the fugue state we dogs slip...