Friday, August 30, 2024

The Ruby Rose Report: Ask Miss Ruby

The creator of this blog, Foley Monster, was well-known for her advice column, Ask Aunt Foley. As her work at the Bridge expanded, she had less time to devote to this endeavor. However, with the Bridge receiving an overwhelming amount of prayer requests, Foley has asked me to help her by answering some questions about pets. So, I am launching my new blog, Ask Miss Ruby.

Dear Miss Ruby: We went on vacation and left our cat with a friend. When we got home and picked her up she was distant and has peed on the couch every day since. What can we do?

- Soiled Urine Cleaner

Dear Soiled Urine Cleaner: Don’t go away.

Dear Miss Ruby: My dog loves traveling with us but he gets car sick. How can I stop this?

- Dirty Driver

Dear Dirty Driver: Stop driving like a maniac. Slow down, don’t switch lanes, stop running yellow lights. Your driving is making everyone sick.

Dear Miss Ruby: I thought I was prepared to have a dog but I can’t get used to the smell. I have sprayed, burned candles, and used plug-ins. Any suggestions?

- A Sensitive Nose

Dear A Sensitive Nose: You aren’t used to the smell. What about us dogs? We have extremely sensitive noses, and you people smell. And there is no getting used to it because when we do, you change it. Perfume, cologne, different scented shampoos, and body washes. People, find a scent and stick to it. You are breaking our sniffers.

Dear Miss Ruby, I have been dealing with tummy issues for months. My mom didn't want to take me for an expensive vet visit, so she explored other solutions. She found a kit on Amazon from 5Strands. She bought it, collected a sample of my fur, tested it, and received a printout of what I cannot tolerate: Everything. Now, my mom doesn't know what to feed me. Any suggestions? - Achy and Hungry.

Dear Achy and Hungry: No pet wants to go to the vet, and our parents concur. The lesson is there is no alternative to the vet, at least not on Amazon.  5Strands reports what foods are hard for breeds to tolerate, but are not specific to you. The good news is you will get the specific food you can’t tolerate but it will also allow you to eat lots of other things currently on the 5Strands list.



  1. You are right on the mark, Miss Ruby!

  2. I love your answers Miss Ruby excellent blog Dallas, Belle Lawson

  3. That is all excellent advice, Ruby Rose.

  4. Some peeps ask the dumbest questions, but your good advice should set them straight. We look forward to more episodes.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  5. You are very wise Ruby. Lee and Phod


The Ruby Rose Report. Club Humpers

  I. am a night dog. When the covers are turned down it is my time to play. When I am done I lie in the bed, in the fugue state we dogs slip...