Thursday, September 5, 2024

Poetry Thursday


It is time for another Poetry Thursday hosted by TWO SPOILED CATS.  Here is the photo they provided for inspiration. 

Chad’s mom had warned him that the sweepers were working and not to park on the street

On every Tuesday the city did repeat

Chad felt he was being browbeat

He wasn’t stupid, he was a varsity athlete

The next Tuesday morn he did oversleep

And did not hear when the large vehicle came to sweep

After noon he work up with a leap

And saw they had towed every car, truck and jeep

Chad needed to get his car back before he had to face his mom’s fury

She would convict his as both Judge and Jury

He called his friend Ryan and said “Can you help me?

If not the worst thing will happen: I will have to give my mom an apology.

Ryan drove Chad to the junk yard

Upon arrival Chad jumped out and inquired to a man who looked hard

To pay any fine Chad had the number of his mother’s credit card

But the man said something that left him jarred

Chad saw his car had been crushed and stacked.

And he thought: “That’s wack.”

Chad insisted he be given his car back

Then dragged the cat back to his cul-de-sac

It had no windows

There was no keeping out the snow

Nor tires, doors, no way for the car to go

He hoped his mom wouldn’t notice in her quest for an evening merlot.

His mother got home, stormed up the stairs and said “what happened to the car?”

He looked out the window and said “that’s bizarre.

Say mom tonight can I use your car, I won’t go far

Just back and forth to the bar.”



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