Monday, September 23, 2024

Monday Question.

 Have you ever broken damaged or chewed anything in the house?

Ruby's Answer: I have never chewed, ripped up, or broke anything in the house. I did, by continually press my forehead to the mesh part of my stroller until the zipper broke and I could stick my head out. 


  1. Ryder decided he loved the spot on the back of the couch. From his perch he had the perfect view out of the picture window. But eventually the weight of a 70 lb collie, reclining for hours a day, destroyed that comfy leather couch. It wasn’t intentional, but he would not give up his spot.

  2. Trying again, since that posted anonymously… Ryder decided he loved the spot on the back of the couch. From his perch he had the perfect view out of the picture window. But eventually the weight of a 70 lb collie, reclining for hours a day, destroyed that comfy leather couch. It wasn’t intentional, but he would not give up his spot

  3. Er, about 87 million ballpoint pens (Gail's estimate) and one pair of expensive varifocal glasses.
    Other stuff too, but no furniture or cables.

  4. I stole a couple of fake silk flowers and I didn't destroy them so I got away with it.

  5. My pup, Chessie (Chesapeake Red, a 2-tone beagle girl who was family when our children were young, with us long enough !!! to meet our first grandchild ... best pupper ever) ... CHEWED holes in everything for all of her 18-plus years. Sofa cushions, table cloths, blankets, socks, blue jeans. Nothing was safe. But did we still love her? You bet we did. You could always buy new socks, new jeans. But you could never have another Chessie!

  6. And in more recent years: little kitten JUNE, doing classic kitten zoomies, as I watched, almost it seemed in slow-motion ... leapt from day bed to side table ... knocking off the lamp ... I strained, I reached forward. It was not to be, as it shattered into pieces. Kitten JUNE spent an hour in the closet: NOT punishment. While Mom, vacuumed, re-vacuumed. Took flashlight on hands 'n' knees, trying to pick tiny pieces of broken china out of the rug ... never wanting those little paws to step on a broken shard ... were there zoomies thereafter. Of course ...

  7. da tabbies o trout towneSeptember 24, 2024 at 7:36 AM

    ewe bet…eye haz dee stroyed de front oh de love seet cloth N now am werkin on de armz 💙😺‼️🐟 mackerull

  8. Nope - I am the perfect Heeler - Mom can even leave food within reach and I won't go for it unless she offers to share -


  9. That's a good question. Millie tried to eat a book but only ate a few pages and Walter unraveled a skein of yarn that took our mom many hours to ball back up. We both had fun doing it. BOL!

  10. Ruby, I would call that design improvement!

  11. We have four cats who think they are goats here so that's a great big yes from them!

  12. Robin used to nibble on books in the book case...she got into her human brother's drawer and gnawed his coin collection cases and paper slips that some were in. She clawed the carpet to's see...what else?

  13. Toto the mighty mini dachshund was fascinated with Barbies...especially their legs. I guess they looked like bones.
    Anyway many Barbies had various degrees of destruction until our daughter learned to keep them out of reach.
    My husband called Toto a 'leg man'!!
    Hugs Cecilia

  14. We haven't destroyed anything inside...but Rosy hurt a squirrel outside, does that count??

  15. Squeaker chews on all my faux plants. She will destroy them all at some point and I'll throw them out. We let her do what she wants.

    Have a woof woof day and week, Ruby Rose. ♥

  16. It would take me an hour to list everything my cats have destroyed over the years.

  17. Chaplin: "Oh boy! Hang on and we'll go get the encyclopedia of everything Dennis wrecked back in the days of Dennis's Diary of Destruction ..."


Monday Question

Have you ever slept anywhere except your home? Ruby's Answer: I have not. My parents travelling days are through. I did spend a night at...