Sunday, September 29, 2024

Foley's Tails From Rainbow Bridge: Foley Monster's All Star Angel Band

As I was walking along the River of Life, I saw a notice nailed to a tree announcing a big band contest with a prize of 100 pounds of bacon for the winner.

I could use 100 pounds of bacon treats and I am a great conductor. I can swish a baton with the best of them. Now I just needed to find my band.

First, I went to Tommy Tune's mansion. He said he could play the drums, but he needed to practice. Freddie buried her head in the pillows and said: “Not the drums again.”  Tommy said Freddie could accompany him on the triangle. Reluctantly Freddie began to ding the little instrument. I couldn’t hear it over Tommy’s drumming.

Next, I checked with Hobo, who thought it was a great idea and said he would play the drums. I mentioned that Tommy was going to play the drums, but Hobo insisted that you couldn’t have too many drums.

I saw my friend Geordie leaving the art museum and asked him if he could play anything but the drums. He said he had always been a good singer, but then began howling out of tune.

If Geordie was going to sing, we would need more drums.

I saw Odie the Great Dane and my sister Pocket the Yorkie practicing their dancing, and I asked if they wanted to perform at the competition, and they both jumped at the opportunity. Odie jumped much further than Pocket. The Great Dane and little Yorkie began to dance perfectly. They could save the show.

I checked with other friends like Max, Easy, AJ, and Toby, who all wanted to play the drums. “It’s the only thing we can play without opposable thumbs,”  Max told me. He had a point.

We were practicing loudly, sounding like a deaf marching band, none on the neat, when Hattie and Lily came in and insisted they sing back up. I told them we had Geordie and he couldn’t be heard over the drumming. They looked at me impatiently. I introduced them as the new singers.

The day of the competition came and Foley’s All Drums orchestra hit the stage. I held up my baton and told them to play. It sounded beautiful. Pocket and Odie danced perfectly and the singers were pitch-perfect. When they were done I turned to the audience, who sat confused, with only one polite dog clapping. I had heard the love for my friends in their playing, but everyone heard a bunch of banging and howling.

We didn’t win, but the band had heard what I did, and we were all happy. Because love has its language and tune. 

I am glad my mind interpreted the song differently than was heard because the Bridge Gazette stated that four angels had seizures caused by our singing, and others still have ringing in their ears.

As always, when I am with my friends, I am the lucky one. 


  1. Your band might not have won but you all had a good time together.

  2. That had to be one very special concert!

  3. They do say that if we listen carefully, not just at the music, we can find no end of love and magic within every tune.
    Stay well and safe, and, keep practicing together.

  4. Angel Foley loved the band especially that AJ could play the drums did not bother my ears at all Dallas and Belle

  5. 100 lbs of Bacon...I volunteer my husband to be your road manager
    Hugs cecilia

  6. Well, we all know it is in the ear of the beholder - we mean listener. We bet the band was awesome.

    Woos - Misty and Timber


Foley's Tails From Rainbow Bridge: Pocket and the Frog Prince

I love picnics. I didn’t partake on the mortal side. My  Mom is not one to sit outside, having an aversion to dirt. But, my first week he...