Thursday, September 19, 2024

Poetry Thursday


This week's inspiration from the Two Spoiled Cats

My name is Tweedle Dee and with me is Tweedle Dum

Two kittens whose  lives are nothing but fun 

And if you are wondering how come

Its because we live with a childless cat mom

When mom was young she did not want it that way

She wasn't barron, sick, or Gay

She was told her prince would come one day

But no one came to ask her to love honor or obey.

But she has never been alone in her one room flat

Which she has always shared with a least one cat

And she always gave thanks that

She didn’t have an issue with a mouse or rat.

She was always kind to her neighbor’s kids

She gave them treats and when other sought in her place they hid

She was loved at work for all she did

And anyone messing with her was strictly forbid.

She may not have had kids, or a man, but she was content

The cars filled with with love and kept her heart from turning to cement

Not a second of her life did she regret

Until one day a man in the suit made her heart descent

He said being childless made her life worthless

And she began to think of her life she had made a mess

But we reminded her she had certainly earned God’s bless

And loving others, no matter the species made life a success

The man who made the comment about cat lady’s was just wanting to be mean

And the love Mom has for he cats has been, by him, unseen

But we cats know the moms who devote their lives to pets are Queens

And those that hurt them could only be elected king of the latrine


  1. First rate poem, we love it. But Gail feels that childless dog moms are being ignored in the political discourse in your country right now.

  2. That was the totally purrfect ending to that sweet poem.

  3. The childless pet mom's and dad's do NOT need to 'splain - PERIOD!

    Mine never regrets her choice - NEVER -


  4. We love your poem and agree with Gail that childless dog ladies, like our mom, need some recognition too. BOL!

  5. Ruby Rose you and your staff are 300% the best wordsmiths each day and on poetry day
    Hugs Cecilia

  6. Well done! This childless cat lady loved your poem. Xo

  7. That is one very excellent poem! We and our Mom (a chlldless dag lady) approve!

    Rosie and Redford

  8. Amen to that - a point very well made.

    Woos - Misty and Timber


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