Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Blog IV: The Search for Princess

By Foley:

The first time I saw that dastardly Princess of Cyberland I knew I had seen her before. Was it during the raid in Algiers? Was it in the jungles of Venezuela where I am known as “The Iguana?” Pocket and I put on our private dick hats and began to search for where we had seen this femme fatale before. Then we stumbled on to a place called Google. It was huge, with all the information in the world cluttered in every spot, and then, in a especially dark and dangerous place called Yorkshire Terrier Puppy Pictures we found this link: http://images.google.com/images?hl=en&client=firefox-a&channel=s&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&hs=e8U&um=1&q=yorkshire+terrier+puppy+photos&sa=N&start=702&ndsp=18

There she was, first column, second row, in a group of pictures used by people who don’t own a Yorkie and need a photo of one, our Princess. “Oh my Dog Pocket do you know what this means?” I asked her. “Yes, Princess has pimped herself out to a toilet paper company,” she said.

“No,” I said. “The picture in Princess’ profile isn’t Princess at all.” (I knew she wasn’t a Yorkie.) But why? Why would someone pretend to be a sweet innocent little Yorkie pup? We decided to send Princess an e-mail posing as a six month old Pom pup. We arranged a meeting at the doggy park. Then we got a film van to tape what happened. But we couldn’t agree who would steer and who would work the pedals, so we left it behind and wrote down everything that happened.

At the allotted time of the meeting a snake slithered into the park and went to the bench we had designated at our meeting spot. In it’s mouth it had a bag with a pink bow. It curled beneath the bench waiting for the poor innocent pup expecting to meet a friend they made on line.

The snake’s tongue slipped in and out in anticipation. But instead of a pup a man sat on the bench. “Were you expecting someone else?” the man asked. “No, not really,” the snake said. The man bent down and picked up the bag. “Puppy Milk bones, a rawhide treat, a squeaky duck, you were expecting to meet a puppy weren’t you? Perhaps one you met on line?”

“I really don’t know what you’re talking about,” the snake said trying to slither away. “Excuse me Princess, my name is Chris Hansen from Dateline NBC. You are on To Catch a Puppy Predator. Isn’t it true that you arranged to meet a under aged Pom named Sunshine here, ply her with rawhide treats and a squeaky duck, and then swallow her hole? Isn’t it true you are posing on the Internet as a Yorkie named Princess? Do you have a problem Mr. Snake?

“I do, I do, I do have a huge problem, I’m not a Yorkie named Princess. I downloaded a photo on Google and set up a fake identity to lure in unsuspecting pups and delete them with my giant jaws of doom.” And…scene.

The rules of Cyberland that have come down from on high is that no one may have a profile on Doggyspace who is not a real dog. Princess has a photo downloaded from Google and no others. Her photos are of other dogs, her videos are of other dogs. You would think, with all the dogs in shelters, with all the rescue groups paying tithe to the castle, that the owner of Cyberland could at least have rescued a dog instead of creating a fake profile.

In Cyberland, under Princess’ rule, all dogs are equal. But some dogs are more equal than others.

In the words of the Princess herself: “As you know the rules are laid out clear…. It may be unforchunit for her personaly, however she knew she should not have done that before she even posted it, and we can not make exceptions…… as its a clear break of the community rules. Its sad to see so many adults act like children.”

So, because the rules are the rules, and we all have to follow the rules, there can only be one course of action for this behavior. So Tanner brigade line up. Good job. Now let’s turn and face the castle and let’s speak as one:


HOOOOWWWWWLLLLLL! Refuges for Cyberland Again.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I deleted Princess from MOMS! WE LOVE YOU! early in the morning from the collage of Live Messenger Foley, I don't want to see this disgusting snake together with the doggies who joined Moms! That's my humble contribution and I'm proud of it! My doggies wagged their tails when they saw me deleting that bitch:)) I should have deleted others too, but they are the lambs following their "master" so...

  3. Sure they are! As Copernicus, Bailey and some others; that's clearly pointed out on Levy's page, 50 assistants...May we call them servants?

  4. and some extra news, I entered DS for some while today (copying my doggies' articles before deleting the profiles) and I saw that in less than 5 minutes 7 dogs joined FaceBook there, How cool is that? (I've got their names)

  5. How freakin' ominous is this? We're rivoted to our seats, reading this scenario and BAM! A big honkin' clap of thunder occurs! None of this would surprise us. But I'm sure liking the DELETE PRINCEASS idea!!! Delete the Lollipop!!!

  6. I did it! I did it, and DANG it felt good!

  7. Oh wow what a great idea. An yes we had that feelin too bout the fake pic. Usually when a doggy is on for that long an never changes the pic its fake. SO strange a owner of a dog site don't own a dog! We also thought it was strange that the boss dog did not have many furiends? on most sites the dog admin befuriend each an every doggy that joins! Great Blog Foley an Pockey we are sorry bout you orange ball maybe your daddy will find you a new one soon ;) we are deleting the lollipop too!

  8. We've deleted the fake doggy but where can one find Levy's page??

  9. Sure wish we could find out who are that snake's cronies. I'm getting paranoid!

  10. Are we talking about "the reporter"? She sent me a rather nice and lengthy e-mail over one of the "Situations". She even said to "tread lightly and carry a big stick, my friend."

  11. We've hit a dead end. There is no "Levy" listed in Cyberland. There are two "Levi" doggies, but neither one is fake...

  12. Gosh, about 10 days ago I hit a whole bunch of delete keys and somehow I never thought to delete Princess even tho I knew all about her owner and her 'romance' with others including the questionable mr daddy. On my way now to hit the delete one more time. Great thing is I have made so many new friends who are now here and on FB before the s t hit the fan. Foley and Pocket you still Rock!

    Since launching in mid-July, Doggyspace has logged more than 700 registered, active user profiles — 73 percent of them created by females, said Levi Thornton, founder of the site and president of web development firm Mad Frog Productions in Fredericksburg, Va. He projects that Doggyspace will have more than two million accounts by the end of the year.
    "There's a lot of people out there with their dogs and we're busy and we're all working in the office all day long and this is a way for us to bring our pets with us," said Thornton, who has a Yorkie named Nokie and a pit bull named Ein.

  14. The only Princess friends the lambies have left appear to be real doggies!!!

  15. Wow, I just read that I (Tiger) am on Princess' payroll? Where did that come from, Nukems and family? That is quite an accusation! We are more than surprised, and who are you? Don't have the guts to post under the dog's name? We are disgusted by what "Princess" did, but as well by that accusation.

  16. Oh what a dastardly web. I am one of the most naive people you ever want to meet. I would trust a pig in a poke. But fortunately I have Foley and Pocket to take my blinders off. I now have the courage to "delete" "delete" "delete"

  17. We miss you and your posts so much! I had heard you weren't on DS anymore but didn't know what happened. I'm so glad you are still posting, you are two of the funniest pups I know. Good to know I can still read about your adventures :) Shannon & Mollie

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. "Tiger" posted the Google puppy picture in a journal and raised the "is this real or is it a fake doggy" query. Way to go, Tiger!!

  20. Hey pocket & foley! I made it here:) woohoo!! Loves the stories:) You know Im with ya 2 100%!! miss ya!! Ruvs, Brookie

  21. We did some research and now know who's dogs the Nukem family represents. It's the pack of Bruiser, Fay-Fay, Pepper, Rose, Sham Wow, and Duke. I posted a comment on Bruiser's page asking why they would post unconfirmed statements some "busy birdie" from FL gave them, which are by no means confirmed nor true. We will see if we get an answer.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Awful comments? If I don't agree with a point of view it is awful? Did I ever put you down, cuss at you/aka bite you? Did I ever talk behind your back? I don't think so. Let me tell you one more thing - would I be Admin on DS, I would have DELETED the journals, not posted my opinion. But what I will do now - is delete you from my friends list. I do not need backstabbers as "friends". Have a good life and keep up the wonderful job you are doing on DS!

  25. Fay-Fay talked with us, explained the situation. They got mislead by another dog who spread lies about us. We are cool, we talked things out. To the FL dog who likes to start rumors - better be aware, Tiger is very good sniffing out bad apples.


  27. Well, since the fences have been mended, want to warn others as to the FL dog so we can have a heads up ourselves? Maybe this info can smooth more waters...

  28. We're leaving DS by the end of the week, but we're going to delete Princess from our friends right away anyways.

  29. Well this mis-informed pup was told by another dog that I do not have a name for...The mis-informed pup just said someone told them. And also the mis-informed pup is no longer on 'cyberworld' we just checked.

  30. This misinformed pup has also told me the same thing but he tells me he's had the same warning from several of his former D/S friends.
    A D/S member forwarded a copy of D/S journal 41246 to me. If any of you can read it, it's very interesting. They admit to reading pms.
    The top dog's name is Levi Thornton. The best info I can find about him is at: linkedin.com/in/levithornton.
    The same journal mentions their headquarters is in Fredericksberg, VA. Another friend that lives there has confirmed it to me. The interesting part is the company does not appear to be registered with the State of Va. (not l00% confirmed as yet)
    The personal info says Levi attended Germanna. Can't get any info out of them without paying a fee. Check is in the mail. Will report back if what I receive is of any value.

  31. Two quick things: One, I don't think I can delete comments, either way I didn't and I wouldn't. That would be so hypocritical. Secondly, come one, Germanna, their in the Big East, the Germanns Huns, beat the Hoyas in the tournament.

  32. I wonder..Why do you let Erika AKA Tiger post comments right over here? They've bothered us enough! I think they're trying to defend what's absolutely impossible! that's why they're making such a fuss about this, we didn't! they did! They banned people, they deleted people, they read PMs...OMG is this the States or...? Perhaps they are leaving in another country ruled by an authoritarian leader, don't you think?

  33. Okay well what I see here is a lot of confusion and backing up, covering up, and trying to excuse behaviors. Not to mention alot of innuendo threats. Very disturbing. What Foley's blog is about is the truth. Period.


Foley's Tails From Rainbow Bridge: Wiley

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