Wednesday, May 6, 2009

An encore performance by the D Space Band

I’ve been neutered and deleted and neither was pleasant but at least I was asleep when I got neutered and got pain medication. I saw this coming last week and prepared so no surprises.

Before I bring on the DS alumni band for an encore let me take a minute of your time.

Please understand: This all started with the DS administers refusing to give Tanner back his profile considering he had been a member for so long and was sick. Tanner did nothing wrong. His Mom put the alias of a former DS owner’s name in a comment. That comment was made after 11:00 PM and deleted before 8:00 AM (EST). Nowhere in the community guidelines does it say you cannot give the name of another dog owner, and since the dog supposedly no longer has a profile, what was the harm? His Mom needed support and that’s what social networks are for. Many of you have read the strange, disturbing response, and that put us on the road to where we are now. I felt like I had to take a stand and don’t regret any decision I have made.

This blog is not going to be an anti Doggyspace site every day. Hopefully the encore will be the end of DS posts here. I have book marked lots of pages and will be commenting on journals and profiles. I don’t believe we have ever insulted another pup in a comment or journal and have certainly never had it done to us. 99% of Doggyspace users are wonderful caring people and I do not expect anyone to leave out of a sense of loyalty to us. I think 99% is a pretty good average for any social network, but on a site with thousands of people, that one percent adds up.

Finally, before I bring on the band, I would like to thanks certain dogs and people, in this paragraph, or in the encore. Thank you so much Willie, such a young pup, wise beyond your years, I hope we’re always in touch, and, since we were going to have a phony cyberspace wedding, Foley will always consider herself Mrs. Willie Monster; also Wishbone, keep up with the chicks, man; Tadertot, if you’re reading this, send me an e-mail, you’re a great friend and I miss you; Same thing for you Benjamiso, you were a burst of sunshine each day; You too Petey, my neighbor; Thank you so much, you’re friendship will always be treasured 12, Chappy and Whiskey; Barge at the Bridge, don ‘t you go forgetting about me and I won’t forget about you; Baarney, we’re friends for life; keep dancing Beaux Jangles; I’ll miss you Brookie, you are one snazzy dog; Chase, you are wise beyond your years, thank you for being a friend; Einstein and Taz, stay healthy and stay strong; the Min Pin’s, continue the great work you do: You make us all proud and it was an honor to have your profile as my friend; Raider – Tom Brady tucked that ball, admit it, someday if you’re near the Dirty Water in the summer give me a call and we’ll go to a Sox game, have a beer, and sing Sweet Caroline; Willow, I will miss you greatly, thanks for the memories; Daisy at the Bridge, I will miss your company; Kolchak, thanks for keeping me free of the zombies; Reba and Abner, what can I say, you are what is best of DS. I am sorry if I have forgotten you, but there are more tributes to come as the band plays so keep reading.

And just two things to my dear friend Princess. Taking badges away because people don’t post; probably because they are ill or a family member is or they are working to support their family or a million other legitimate reasons is a dick move you putz, and F7 is spell check.

And now I bring to you the earth shaking, air conditioner breaking, heart breaking DS All Star Band: Hit it boys:

“Pocket’s on the ‘puter
Foley Monster searching for her groove
She’s strutting with her best boy Willie
Telling him it might be time to move
Well everybody better steer clear of us that’s all
I’m on Princess’ bad side
Got my back to the wall
Doggyspace freeze out, Doggyspace freeze out

I’ve been banished from the castle
Tired of being censored by the villains
The night is dark but our path is bright
Lined with the light of the Furminators
From an unfriendly doggy an unruly comment is cast
Made a post and someone hit the delete button way too fast
I walked into a
Doggyspace Freezeout
Doggyspace Freezeout
And we’re all alone we’re all alone
(and Princess says) And kyd ewe betta git tha pitcher
We’re on our own, we’re on our own
And we can’t go home”

I want to go to that riverside
I want to find that river of love
I want to find that river of life
I want to find that river of hope
I want to find that river of faith
Tonight I want to go to that river of friendship and companionship
I want to find that river of joy
And that river of happiness
And that’s why we’re blogging night after night after night after night
Because I want to go there with you

So tonight we are going to throw a Doggyspace Exorcism
A cleaning of our doggy space souls
A cleaning of our doggy space hearts
We’re going to do it all here, gonna set you free, set you free

Pocket and I came to a bridge on the river by a dark grove of trees
We were afraid to pass through those trees because we knew on the other side the river of life was waiting
But we stood paralyzed by our own fears
Then this doggy crossed the bridge and told me he was Buttons from the Bridge
And he told me what we needed was a brigade

And that’s why I am so glad to introduce to you tonight some of the finest member of the DS nation:

The pretty Lhaso Apso who knows that cute is much more than fur deep the secretary of the earnest Mr. Teddy Earnest
Now I would like to introduce to you the Minister of Faith and Friendship and everything that is righteous on Doggyspace and star of the Andy Griffith show Mr. Otis Campbell
I would like to introduce the foundation of the DS Nation the Alabama Titans the Bama Boys (Lord, I’m coming home to you, Alabama)
I would like to introduce the dog who brings the wisdom and the intelligence to us night after night after night after night and owner of his own business and newspaper article Mr. Hobo Hudson
Let me introduce all the way from Portland Oregon, the minister of heart and spirit, the great, great Blazer dog
And from Rainbow Bridge, and from the great Nissan’s South Breeders Fred Max Browne, Luca and Junior Don Pinche
And now I would like to introduce the first family of the DS Nation and publishers of the widely read Doggy Digest Sham Pow, Sweet Pea, and Duke’s family
And now, it is my great privilege and honor to introduce, the talented, the beautiful, the first lollipop of love: Zoe Boe
And last but not least, last but not least, I’m talking about the Minister of Love, the secretary of the brotherhood. Do I have to say his name? Do I have to save his name? Say who? The Big Dog Moses (with Matilda too)

“Now the change was made on D-space after Tanner’s deletion by Princess
All the lollipops turned and said Princess kiss my ass
I’m gonna sit back right easy and laugh
When the Tanner Brigade busts this city in half
After a Doggyspace Freeze out, Doggyspace Freeze out
Doggyspace Freeze out

Thanks for listening. Good night everybody!


  1. *Sniff*... that was beautiful, guys! Thank you... *sniff*

  2. aaarrrrooohhhhhh!!!!
    Sorry guys, that was not a cat tail in a grinder, just mom singing... (think Yoko Ono, but OFF Key!) BOL Dulce and Angel Barge

  3. Bravo Bravo Bravo

  4. Oh Foley and Pocket - I am SO GLAD you have decided to go down fighting! You girls represented the best DS had to offer and it just isn't the same without you.

  5. WOW. I just wanted you to know you will be missed and this whole thing stinks. As you say we are a social network and what has made it special is the support we give one another. To have a friend deleted really suck!!!! We'll be missing you!!!
    Jada Ming Tempy and Frank


  7. I have one thing to say: WOW!
    That was SO good. My mommy manages a band, and she would like to license your song:-)
    Love and Howls,

  8. Bravo Foley Monster and Pocket. I am so sad to see you go. I have tried to stay out of all this, but last night after DS HQ closed a bunch of threads and put out a journal explaining that some members had been deleted. I asked "Mr." Princess if they are banning members for violations, then how come a certain dog (who seems to be teachers pet) had a journal dedication, along with a photo slideshow for that dog no one is allowed to utter his name (yeah that same dog Tanner said the name and got kicked off). In that journal she got into an argument with another dog. Nothing happened to either of them. He/she had a decription of how the punishments are handed out and that they don't have a teachers pet (@#%#). I also let Princess know how to spell unfortunate. I am waiting for the axe to fall. They make DS HQ sound like a huge corporation in a big city. Nope. Sorry you got kicked off and that so many others are leaving. We feel blessed to have know so many wonderful dogs and their pawparens. Love, Patti & Skye

  9. You go, Patti!!! I peeked at that big dog and pony show last night. All I could do was shake my head in amazement. Please consider stopping by and saying hi from time to time... sending you and your faithful babies Lhasa love :)

  10. WOW what a blog entry! you are so talented an we are so simple hehe ;) we still don't know what to say on ours. We really don't know who is who in here we recognize some pics an a few names. WE are here to support you Foley an Pocket because we truly think you are a asset on DS an loved by many. Your pages are gone on DS an we are wondering did you delete them or did the Prince~ass do that? they had a journal which we did not comment on as it was mostly fork tongue answers that made no sense to us. But others were saying thank~you an so on so we guess it made sense to some?? we are still in a state of confusion on DS an feel kinda lost an see really nice furiends dropping out everyday. ERIN? gone one of our first furiends there. Very nice an helpful furiend can't stand all the drama any longer. We are there trying to sort out our thoughts on it all. WE loved your song an feel special you mentioned Alabama hehe. Still workin on our Blog Spot what a challenge for a simple minded owner jus a truckdriver without a truck lost without our 18 wheels the Bama Bunch♥

  11. wow- That was quite a blog entry. I still think ya need to write that book! Zoe thanks you for the shout out-she is the lollipop of love, even though she was so mistreated she just loves people more all the time. I checked out Zoe's site and she hasn't had a comment from anyone in about 2 days-that's really odd, but then again most of her good friends are gone. If any dog that's still on there reads this could you send her a comment to see if it's working..maybe princess froze me? I did get a journal deleted- and it was a positive one at that?? oh well, I just need to talk to wishbone to see where he stands, don't want to bail on anyone. Just keep up the good work girls!-love ya, zoe boe and mom boe

  12. Wow, loved this post! Thank you so much for honoring my sweet, sweet Blazer. We think the world of you and wish DS HQ would get their heads out of their If they blow me off, then so be it. What they did was take a small incident and made it completely public to all the members of DS. If they had just dealt with it quietly with a possible reprimand, then this whole mess would never have happened. Now, I whish I new howl to spel. My englesh is not so good. Love, Blazer & Mom (Vicki)

  13. A Standing Ovation to the Yorkies! Momsie and Gucci are honored to be a part of such a fine group of dogs and their peeps, and me, Chase, I am still dancing and singing to the band. I'm so honored myself, to get an honorable mention from the two very wise, philosophical Foley and Pocket. Momsie fell off her chair laughing at your quote for Mr. Princess. Whatever you do, don't send your kids to Princess's school, Germanna. HaHa and Hooray Patti, I saw that and you were right in his face. Go Girl!

  14. I might add that 'person' sometimes signed their name instead of their fake dogs name, so they themselves put their name on the site. When one person runs a place and does all the jobs, that one person makes all the rules as they go along.This is their right and they exercise it and others have the right to stay or go, so we did.

  15. Foley and Pocket, thanks for thinking of us! You two are incredibly funny, and we look forward to reading about your adventures!


Foley's Tails From Rainbow Bridge: Wiley

Once a week I get together with my old friend Hobo to enjoy a morning wall then stop at the deli for a bagel and lox. I met him outsid...