Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Beat this caption

Sadly, Woody called the dog Bullseyee one took many times and even with a new sewing machine Andy’s mom could not repair him

Monday, October 14, 2024

Monday question

What do your parents hate to clean the most?
Something you caught?
Defluffed toys
Some else?

Ruby's answer: My Mommy doesn't like cleaning poop, Our floors are slanted at a little poop can make a mighty river.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Foley's Tails From Rainbow Bridge: 20 Years Ago She Chased a Squirrel Up a Tree and Now She's Being Sued


I am a very important judge here at Rainbow Bridge. I have taken an oath to uphold justice. So good did I end up the defendant in a suit filed against me for actions I took on the mortal side,

I was served with a summons by a timid chipmunk. I took it into my house and opened it. “I am being sued,” I announced, shocked.

“Is it because you used to eat my food?” Pocket asked, and I said it was not. “Is it because you used to bite me when someone approached us?” Annoyed, I said no.” Is it because you used to kick me out of the warm spot in the bed because you wanted it?” she asked

As I had often done, I ran out of patience with my sister, and snapped at her: “Why would someone sue me for things I did for you?” 

“Maybe they were just being nice,” she said.

I slightly growled then remembered my anger workshops and went to my happy place which was under the bed covers in a warm spot while Pocket shivered in the cold spot. Once subdued, I read the complaint: “In or about the 29th of August in 2009 I was gathering nuts on the grounds of the Taunton State Hospital when a dog, the plaintiff, chased me causing me to lose my nuts, The incident affected me so much I was afraid to get down from my tree, and it hastened my departure to Rainbow Bridge. Signed Sidney the Squirrel.”

A picture was included. I told: Pocket I had never seen the squirrel before. She turned the picture around to show Sidney’s tail and butt. Now I remembered. “Sure, I chased him, but I chased a lot of squirrels. There is no reason to make a federal case of it,” When I saw the hearing would be in squirrel court, and my fate was in the paws of tree rats, I knew I would have to present the case of my life.

I asked Pocket to go as my witness to say that we both chased squirrels. Sidney put on a compelling case and whenever I objected the monkey judge threw feces at me. Then it was my turn. I put Pocket on the stand and she surprised me by saying she was the one who chased Sidney. The squirrel could not identify which one of us did the chasing, and we all looked the same to him. The idea of being rewarded with my riches was stymied by Pocket’s testimony that she had no riches, just what was on her, and offered the squirrel a ham sandwich she had been saving. Reluctantly, Sidney took it.

When we got outside I thanked my little sister and told her I owed her one, which was a mistake, because there was only one thing Pocket wanted.

For the next six hours, deep into the night, under the moonlight, (the serious moonlight) I stood in the middle of Doggyspace Park and threw the ball to her for six hours until she was exhausted and happy.

Next time I am paying off the squirrels. 

Friday, October 11, 2024

Ruby Rose's Nature Friday Fall 2024

I haven''t done a garden report since July, when everything was growing, because in mid-August through the end of September so many blooms went to sleep.

October brings us the survivors, who braved the high heat of late summer, then the cooling temperatures and lessening daylight of the early fall.

Also there are the late bloomers, like this Shasta Daisy, who oversle;pt, arrived late, and is making up for it as we steer into Columbus Day.

Like a monster unleashed after years of being submerged in the ocean, the Hydrangea has taken over River’s garden overshadowing the butterfly bush. In November, when it stop \s blooming, Daddy is going to try to cut it back, once his insurance payment is caught up. 

The remaining flowers have been relocated to Foley’s Garden, which gets the most sunlight and is easily kept watered.

 The chrysanthemums are new, three of them are doing well, and the fourth went to live in a garden upstate, or at least that is what I have been told.

The winner of the garden season are the New Guinea impatiens, planted five months ago, and still going strong.

It is dark half the time now so we need to leave a light on if the plants, or Saint Anthony want to read

Now for the bad news, scarecrows have taken over the front garden. I don’t walk that way. I have walked with enough spirits lately


And finally, when night falls, River’s garden lights up like it is the Fourth of July in Asbury Park.

 I have declared this year’s gardens very successful and soon I will start planning next year’s garden.

Until then I will visit the flowers in my dreams. 

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Poetry Thursday



Once again, Angel Sammys and Teddys Pawetaton have provided us with a photo for Poetry Thursday.

 What is she doing here?

 What  the hell is she doing here?

She watches us from the thick bushes

and she never waves when she goes by

She is hiding something from the rest of us

She's all to herself

i think i know why

She cut down the small trees to make it clear

She has no Infants of her own from what I see

She has no monkeys, she has no friends and her plants are dying

And who drops packages for her from the sky?

What is she doing here?

She has fire sticks lightning her windows 

What is she doing here?

I'll tell you one thing

She's not here for the betterment of our children

 What is that sound from under the door?

 it sounds like she is butchering something on the floor

And I swear I heard a gibbon moaning low

She is always talking in that thing she holds in her hand

and she carries that long stick when on the hunt

You won't believe what Koko the chimp saw

She carries a long knife sharpened to  point

And she has enough chemicals there to  kill Kong

What is she doing here?

 What  the hell is she doing here?

I heard her talking to a man

 from a strange place called Nashville Tennessee

and she sends reports to a man in Indonesia.

But what is she doing here

She has no friends and no one to see 

I heard she spent a year in jail

And  Rodney the monkey saw her signaling l with a flashlight 

And what is that song she is always singing?

What is she doing here?

 What is she doing here?

We are the government

We have the right to know


Monday, October 7, 2024

Monday Question

All pets pee and poop and sometimes we eat things or get sick, and our digestive system causes us to make a big mess.

Thinking back to all the pets you have had who made the biggest mess and how?

The dog on the left is Blake, my parent's first dog together.

When they had Blake they also had a cat named Gizmo,

One morning Blake woke up Daddy to take her outside. When she was done Daddy went to the bathroom and put Blake in bed between him and Mommy. A half-hour later, Blake, who had snuck some poop out of the cat's litter box, vomited a combination of puke and poop which covered the heads board, the sheets, and the pillows, and dripped down the top of the mattress to the carpeted floor. It took a long cleaning, steam cleaning, washing, and disinfectant to clean the room, and it still smelled for a month

Beat this caption

Sadly, Woody called the dog Bullseyee one took many times and even with a new sewing machine Andy’s mom could not repair him