Thursday, July 25, 2024

Poetry Thursday

  We are again participating in Two Spoiled Cats Poetry Thursday

Here is the photo that was selected to inspire us

When Irish Red was a little baby

Sleeping in his pretty crib

There was a plug up in the kitchen sink and the water would not drain

Irish Red said: “Give me a war each and a small plunger,”

Because the plumber’s life is meant for me

Oh Lord the plumber’s life is meant for me”


Now the momma she said to Irish Red

“Babies cannot fix a kitchen sink oh no,”

Irish Red took the wrench and then fixed the pipe

He said, “There never will be a leak I can’t beat, Lord Lord.”

“There’s never been such a leak.”


Plumber Henry heard about. the baby.

And came to see Red unplug a john

Henry said, “a plumber tiny and skilled will make me rich rich rich,”

“That little kid is going to make me rich.”


Irish Red climbed into tight crawl spaces

And he fixed, installed, and unplugged

Til he said to Henry the plumber “pay me my money down.

Or I’m going to baby unionize.”

I am going to baby unionize.”


Henry the plumber dared. Irish Red

To crawl on that picket line

Then he heard a great uprising

And saw baby doctors, nurses, firemen, and lawyers

All of them ready to strike, strike, strike

The babies were on strike.


Henry made a bet with Irish Red for all the plumbing jobs in this

That in a half hour he could clear ten johns filled with poo

But he worked too hard right through nap time

And Red slowed down because his tired, tired, tired-headed baby was soon napping.


Now Irish Red had himself a sister

By the name of Polly Sue

She walked up to the toilets and grabbed the plunger

And she cleared out that shit like a man.

She cleared out that shit like a man.


Since then every Monday morning

bluebird begins to sing

You can hear Red and Polly plugin ging hundreds of toilets

You can hear the Baby and Polly plumbing company working hard

The only working plumbers in town Lord Lord

The sibling babies were the only plumbers in town












Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Beat This Caption

George listened intently, not betraying that this was the most boring blind date ever 

Monday, July 22, 2024

Monday Question

What do you think about water?

Do you like or hate baths?

Have you swam?

In a pool?

In a lake?

In the ocean?

Do you pull to go home if you are on a walk if it starts to rain?

Do you hate puddles?

Do you hate having wet paws?

Do you hate having them dried off?

I don't like water.

I get bathed at the groomer's and cooperate but I don't like it.

I have never swam and don't like to walk in the rain.

To me, water is only to drink.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

River Song's Tails From Rainow Bridge: River Welcomes Sweetness


This week I, River Song, am taking over the angel blog because my sister is still hungover from celebrating her birthday to excess, and I have special connection with a cat, Sweetness, who arrived at the Bridge last week. I knew her from following her blog, but my true connection is that her brother, the celestial Paddy O’Malley, transitioned to the Bridge shortly after I did, and we bonded like college, away from home for the first time.

Because of this Foley appointed me the Doggyspace and Blogville ambassador to the Cat Blogosphere, which wasn’t necessary, since they are right next to one another, and we cross back and forth thousands of times a day but was still an honor.

When Paddy told me that Sweetness would be coming to her final forever home he did so with a mix of happiness and sadness, all angels do, happy to see long missed loved one, and sad because it is an angel’s duty to protect their family, which we do, winning more often than not, but always losing to time.

I found Paddy at his home straightening things in what was to be Sweetness’s room. There was sun coming through the four big windows landing on a white fluffy bed with Sweetness embroidered on the side. “Do you think she will like it?” Sweetness asked.

“She’ll love it,” I promised. The truth was she would have loved anything. Cats have reputations as being hard to please, but I find they are happy with a warm, soft bed, tasty food, sporadic attention, and love, all of which could be provided by Paddy.

“We should get going,” Paddy said checking the clock on the wall, “her transition has begun.”

Paddy had felt it. Angels are in tune with their people, and when her mother took all of the pain that Sweetness had been feeling on herself, and sent Sweetness free, Paddy felt it in his heart. He wanted to go to her but knew his mom would prefer he be there to greet Sweetness.

Her soul had left her body, found the first bit of water, and followed it into rivers, then seas, then oceans, until it came to the whirlpool between worlds. She went down, then came up, and was at the Bridge, then up on the bank, over the Bridge and towards us.

I told Paddy I felt bad, knowing cats did not like to be wet, but he told me it was fine. Somehow he had a towel I had not seen before. I wish I knew where pantless cats kept stuff.

Paddy met Sweetness, gave her the towel, and then they leaned into one another. Dogs, when they were reunited, go right to playing, but cats are more dignified, and hug, then groom one another.

It was quite lovely, but I didn’t want Pocket tonguing me when I crossed. It’s just the difference between cats and dogs.

I nodded my greeting to Sweetness as Paddy lead her to her forever home.

It was a much more subdued ceremony than with dogs, but neater, with no slobbering, which was nice.

But, it was filled with love, lota of love. All new angels.

It keeps the world spinning, and makes it makes it continue, without end.

Even the Bridge.





Friday, July 19, 2024

The Ruby Rose Report: Setting the Tone on Day One

Two years ago, last week, when I flew first class, with a paid escort next to me, from my Florida home to North, a land known as New England, I knew, for the first time in my life winter was coming, and I wanted no part of it.

I left on a Saturday morning, and the plane was delayed, which meant I missed my connector, and my escort and I had to sit in a Georgia airport for more than an hour, then I boarded another flight, and a few hours later I landed in Providence reeling like a flying Pilgrim. I met my parents and knew we would fit together like peas, and another smaller version of a pea,

My escort told my parent they might want to take me out of the pee, but they were instantly falling in love, which means they suspended all reason and were existing on duck farts.

So, I left my escort and took a very short walk in the sunshine to the car. Honestly, traveling to TF Green in Providence is a dream. No traffic going in, great parking, and there is a shining new concourse. If you have to go to New York or Jersey it is quicker to land at Green and drive.

We got to my new house, and Mommy told Daddy I must have to pee, and man, did I. But, I had heard stories of New England winters where paws freeze when hitting the ground, and groups of snowmen that roam the tundra eating what anything they find stranded on the snow. And don’t get me started on polar bears. I am a tiny dog and have no way to protect myself from invisible bears.

I held on to my pee. If I started peeing outside now they would expect me to do it all the time, and come winter, I would be in danger of freezing my kibbles.

River, when she recruited me to be the new house dog, told me there were pee pads in the laundry room.

You know when you have to pee and you hold it in, but when you get to the peeing place the need to go is overwhelming? That’s how I was in that yard, crossing my eyes, and my knees. Finally, my dad did the husband giving up, which only lasted until his wife told him he was a fool; and sent us back out to try again for another ten minutes until finally that lady relented. I went inside, found the pads, and peed for a minute.

After that, I have been doing my business inside, in the warmth and dry in the winter, and air-conditioned comfort during this terrible heat wave.

My advice to new dogs is to hold on as long as you can, so you too don’t have to pee in inclement weather.

In the long run, your parents will thank you.


Thursday, July 18, 2024

Poetry Thursday


It is time for another installment of Poetry corner with out hosts Angel Sammy and Teddy.

They provided for the photo below to inspire our poerty

Peg had an awful week

She had quit her job in a fit of pique

And her boyfriend, on a gambling losing streak

Had emptied her bank account like a sneak.


It was all driving her insane

The lack of job and savings would be the reason this lifestyle she could not maintain

Most of all it was an endless, throbbing, tooth pain

Which needed medical services she had no money to obtain.

Peg’s sister Marion was a pest

A mankiller, a whore, a real tempest

Who worked down town as a hygienist

And said she could get Peg, at a low cost, a dentist.


When she arrived at the dentist’s office there were some things that made her want to flee.

Like that the office was in a tree.

And the dentist was a monkey.

Now she knew why a bushel of bananas was the fee.


Pam was told to sit in the chair

While the dentist licked his arm hair

And Pam denounced this country’s expensive healthcare.

Then the monkey got on her lap, pried open her llips and took a look in there.


The monkey reached in her mouth and with bare stubby fingers pulled out the offending truth

And she immediately felt better if she were to tell the truth

And Pam had to admit even if the doctor was a hit uncouth

He was the best dentist in all of Duluth.

Poetry Thursday

  We are again participating in Two Spoiled Cats Poetry Thursday Here is the photo that was selected to inspire us When Irish Red was a litt...