Thursday, March 31, 2022

Poetry Thursday



Angel Sammy and Teddy find such inspiring photos for us

Here is today's inspiration

Go west young man, that is what they said. 

Life is easy  you can't help but get ahead

The river bottoms are filled with gold

In a land that is never cold

I sold all I had and headed out west

A land where I would surely be blessed

Now I sleep on the floor with roommates numbering ten

For money I muck the pig pen

And each day I hit the river to pan

While I eat my shoe like Charlie Chaplin

How I wish I was back east

Where brown soup and moldy bread seemed like a feast

Instead of being stuck out west

Panning each day on a fruitless quest


Monday, March 28, 2022

Bertie Designs the Perfect Pup





When Bertie realized his long song was finally ending, he made an unprecedented request of the angels watching over him. He didn't just want a new puppy to help his mom with his transition, but he wanted it built to his specifications.

Upon receiving his unique request, I was assigned the case. I usually would instantly approve any proposal from a good friend like Bertie, but this could have legal ramifications for centuries. Puppy eugenic with cross-breeding, which produces short-lived dogs, is a hot button is an issue at the Bridge, and I decided to hold a trial to make an informed decision.

The hearing was held in Bertie's dreams. He had imagined a British court from the 19th century. It was impressive, although I didn't have the heart to tell Bertie he looked silly in his powdered wig. Representing the Parties that don't Like Change was Mitch, an all-white bulldog. Bertie gave the opening statement.

"It is our duty as dogs to take care of our parents, and that responsibility does not end when we transition. Under the current laws, after we pass, if our parent needs a puppy, we would interview hundreds of them until we find the right one. It is an arduous process that takes us away from our grieving parents, and sometimes because of time limitations, we have to settle for one that isn't perfect. But by creating one, we can meet all our parent's needs without having to stop watching over them. It is a much-needed solution. Also, we must care for our parents, which is how I am caring for mine."

Like a good boy, Bertie sat. Mitch made a less than convincing argument based on the fact that a puppy had never been built to specifications before, and it was a dangerous precedent. I disagreed. I ruled that we would build the puppy Bertie wanted, but only a new angel could make such a request, and people, who always take things too far, were barred from doing it.

Emboldened by my ruling, Bertie sat with the puppy designers and first said the pup would have to match his breed, be white and fluffy, with darling black ears, and markings, with a touch of trim around the eyes. He would have to be a good boy, listen to his momma, but have, like Bertie, an adventurous spirit and a love to walk. Once it was designed before Bertie went to the Bridge, his predecessor Hamish visited his mom's dreams and whispered to her that her next child was waiting for her.

Bertie waited until the pup he created, named Nobby, was born and had lived a few weeks before Bertie went to the Bride. He neither wanted his mom to wait long for a new pup nor have his presence in their house take away attention from his replacement, so he remained until a week ago to come to the Bridge.

His timing was perfect, as his mom was not dog-less for no more than a week, still a nightmare, but not an endless one. Now Nobby has all the tools he needs to help his new mom. He will still get coaching from Bertie, but the new angels trust his brother to be the perfect next dog.

And new angels looking for a puppy for their mom have a new avenue to pursue.

Sunday, March 27, 2022

Junior, the Prodigal Son, Comes Home to the Bridge

I first met Luca, Junior, and their guardian Angel Fred in 2008. I don’t know if life was simpler, but it sure feels like it. 


They were from Argentina. It was fantastic to learn about life in another country, especially with opposing seasons. Everyone loved these fun, intelligent, and handsome dogs and looked forward to barking at them daily. 


One day Mama Maria posted that she would not be as active on social media because the government monitored what citizens posted. At that time, a government caring about what their people commented on seemed foreign. As I said, it was a simpler time. 


The most contact I had with them were infrequent Facebook posts, which is like throwing a stick in a fast-moving river and hoping all your friends see it. More often than not, it gets lost in the tide. 


Luca joined us in 2016. Junior stayed to care for his mom and help his sister dogs become accustomed to how their mom wanted things. Junior stretched his life to 14 years, quite an achievement considering his breed. But this week, his heartbeats expired, and he went to the Bridge, lessening the dogs remaining from our original dog social network group by one. 


His mom knew her best friend, who helped guide her through the loss of a husband, a dog, the pandemic age, and many other tragedies that plague the days of our lives; had his quality of life fallen to an unacceptable level for Luca. His mom helped him to the Bridge, taking on all his pain and suffering to set him free. It is the kindest and bravest act a parent can perform for their baby. 


What made the reunion between Luca and Junior sweeter than most was that Luca was Junior’s birth dad, and, unlike most pups, Junior got to grow up with his father. They were more like brothers and best friends than son and father, but something about sharing the same blood makes a bond sweeter. When Junior crossed the Bridge, Luca greeted him with the words all off children want to hear: You made me proud. Then they began playing like they were young again—another gift from the Bridge. 


Then Junior met all the dogs he had lost contact with: Tommy, Hattie, Leo, Hobo, Lily, etc. They had a welcoming party worthy of a returning prodigal son.  


Junior left his mom in the capable paws of his sisters, but the recovery will be hard. Once she is recovered, her three angels will tackle a more challenging task: Making sure all dogs have the freedom to bark no matter what country they reside in because friends should never have to wait until their Bridge day to catch up with beloved companions.


Saturday, March 26, 2022

Blog For Peace

Come you masters of war
You that build the big guns
You that build the death planes
You that build all the bombs
You that hide behind walls
You that hide behind desks
I just want you to know
I can see through your masks
You that never done nothin'
But build to destroy
You play with my world
Like it's your little toy
You put a gun in my hand
And you hide from my eyes
And you turn and run farther
When the fast bullets fly
Like Judas of old
You lie and deceive
A world war can be won
You want me to believe
But I see through your eyes
And I see through your brain
Like I see through the water
That runs down my drain
You fasten all the triggers
For the others to fire
Then you sit back and watch
When the death count gets higher
You hide in your mansion
While the young people's blood
Flows out of their bodies
And is buried in the mud
You've thrown the worst fear
That can ever be hurled
Fear to bring children
Into the world
For threatening my baby
Unborn and unnamed
You ain't worth the blood
That runs in your veins
How much do I know
To talk out of turn
You might say that I'm young
You might say I'm unlearned
But there's one thing I know
Though I'm younger than you
That even Jesus would never
Forgive what you do
Let me ask you one question
Is your money that good?
Will it buy you forgiveness
Do you think that it could?
I think you will find
When your death takes its toll
All the money you made
Will never buy back your soul
And I hope that you die
And your death will come soon
I'll follow your casket
By the pale afternoon
And I'll watch while you're lowered
Down to your deathbed
And I'll stand over your grave
'Til I'm sure that you're dead
Source: Bob Dylan


Friday, March 25, 2022

Rascal Picks Hazel With the Brown Eyes for her Mom


One of the most challenging duties a new angel has is finding a replacement in their parent's hearts for them. It would be an even more difficult task for Rascal, whose mom loved her with all her heart and lost it when she went to the Bridge. Her mom wanted Rascal, not a new dog, but she needed one. 


Rascal had to find a dog who would be patient with her mom, who was severely hurt by Rascal's passing. She knew her mom would be shy about surrendering her barely healed heart to another dog. But if she remained dogless, the pain would overwhelm her. But no soul knew his mom like Rascal, who was confidents he would choose wisely. 


A bright shiny, full-of-energy pup who needed constant attention wouldn't do. This dog would have to be mature and not overly needy. In short, Rascal had to find a dog as broken as her mom. 

 It took her hundreds of interviews to find Hazal, a dog with an abusive past who wanted a person of her own to love, but because of her history, she was easily triggered by kids, noise, stress, and other dogs. Hazel needed a home with a low-key mom and lots of love. Since that was the place Rascal had departed from, she knew she had a match. 

 Before she went into her mom's dreams and told her where she could find Hazel, she mentioned to Hazel that her mom was still hurting. She might not be ready for a new dog, but she is in the top one percent of dog moms in the world, and while she feels guilty loving another deep down, she understands if there is a good dog in need, it is her duty to adopt it. Most of all, Rascal stressed Hazel néeded to be patient. Her mom was still suffering, but she will open her heart again in time. 

 Then she went into her mom's dreams. She knew her mom would not act to get a dog for herself but could not resist helping one, and that is how Rascal approached it. If she didn't save Hazel, a beautiful dog, the pup would never know love. The next day against her better judgment, she adopted Hazel. 

 And now they are together and cautiously deepening their relationship like two people in an arranged marriage bound to last a lifetime once they open their hearts. 

 To nudge the process along this week, Rascal used enough accumulated ghost energy to appear to her mom when she looked at Hazel. Rascal's message was that he was still there inside of Hazel. She has left half a heart there and the other half with her mom. When Hazel and her mom connect, the heart will become whole and long reign in them. 

That will come in time. As for now, Rascal will watch over them and help repair their broken hearts until they are strong enough to do it themselves. 

Thursday, March 24, 2022

Poetry Thursday


 Angel Sammys and Teddys Pawetaton posted this picture for their Poetry Posts Here is our modest offering.

Cute little girl, short and sweet

Came walking down my street

She looked so happy, so care free, so brave

I felt, for her, my little heart crave

I said hello and and asked her name

She introduced herself as Suzie the Dame

She asked for a drink of water which I was happy to provide

And told her not to leave, stray or hide

I poured her a drink, and when I came out I knew I should have come out sooner

The little girl had stolen my scooter.


Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Nearly Wordless Wednesday


I have been honored by the O Dani Girl Blog, which featured me in their Monday bog. They have more of this incredible artwork on their site, which you can see by clicking the link.

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Beta This Caption


Now how would I know what happened to the fish?

By the way, you have an Alka-Seltzer

Monday, March 21, 2022

Monday Question

This has been going around on Facebook. Post a picture of something that tells us your name.

Like this


Friday, March 18, 2022

Friendly Fill-ins


Friendly Fill-ins



Each Thursday Ellen of 15andmeowing and Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs, provide Friendly Fill-in questions.

My answers are in red. 


1. I rarely poop in the snow, I go behind the recliner instead. 
2. My spring to do list includes sleeping in the sun and lying awake in the sum.
3. If I were invisible for a day, I would figure out how to get in the closet and eat food to my belly's content.
4. When I was young, I got knocked up because my then Mom wanted to make more of me. Turns our I'm the Joan Crawford of dog mom's. That put my on the path that led me to my forever home..

Thursday, March 17, 2022

Foley Monster's True St Patrick's Story


 "What is Saint Patrick's Day?" Pocket asked me this morning.

"It is a day that humans celebrate Saint Patrick driving the snakes out of Ireland," I said, like a disinterested parent.

"How did he do that?" the persistent Pocket asked.

"He didn't."

"Did anyone?"  

I put down my I Paw. It was time Pocket got the straight poop.

"There was a time when Ireland was lousy with snakes," I said. "You couldn't go anywhere without stepping on one of those slithering bastards. The people came to Patrick, their clergyman man, and asked him if he could get rid of the snakes. He told them he couldn't, but they thought he was modest. When the snakes stayed, the congregation complained about Patrick, and chances of obtaining sainthood were waining.

St Patrick had one confidant, his dog Paddy, and he told him that he had no idea how to clear the entire massive island of snakes. Paddy loved his dad very much and knew that life with a saint at the Bridge was like being a Kardashian in the valley; they would be treated like Gods. Conversely, the life of a failed saint was akin to living in poverty. It was up to Paddy to save his dad's candidacy and ensure their afterlife.

When Paddy slept, he went to the Bridge in his dreams to ask the wise elders who preceded him how to get rid of the snakes, and he was told that certain sounds enchant snakes, and when hearing it, they become senseless: Like lemmings.

Paddy tried to teach his dad how to play the flute with no luck. Whoever heard of a musically inclined saint. While practicing, Paddy walked with Patrick. Having eaten a corned beef and cabbage meal, Paddy was a little gassy and embarrassed he snuck out a high-pitched fart.

The snakes stopped what they were doing and began to follow Paddy's toots. The dog realized if he farted his way from Dublin to Glasgow, he could drive the snakes from the land. The good news is that there was a surfeit of corned beef because even the impoverished Irish from Saint Patrick's time wouldn't eat that crap.

For four months, they walked along, with Paddy eating corned beef and tooting, while Patrick walked next to them, fruitlessly playing the flute. Soon Paddy's farts drove the snakes into the sea and the country was free of the reptiles. The people thought, because of the bad flute playing, that it was Patrick, but others know it was Paddy, which is why the day is known by both names.

Paddy doesn't mind that he did not get full credit for driving the snakes from the Emerald Isle. He is living now in fancy saint quarters at the Bridge.

Anyway, it is our job to make our humans look like saints, although rarely is that taken literally."

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Bouncing with Bertie at the Bridge


When Bertie learned that he had issues with his bladder that constituted an impending trip to the Bridge, he vowed to fight to the last ounce of his soul.

The doctor told his mom that Bertie's song was almost over, and the final notes were sounding from a bagpipe over the dell. But Bertie came from hard Scottish stock and was not passing over without a fight.

Peeing is something everyone takes for granted until they can't do it. We all know how uncomfortable the feeling of having to urinate is, and the more it builds, the worst it gets. That is why urinating is such a relief, but imagine having that pressure and not being able to go? Something like that will make a soul want to end the pain by departing for the Bridge.

But Bertie, who felt like he had a full bladder all the time, and had to fight and strain to relieve himself, didn't mind the pain, as long as he could keep hiking the Scottish coastline with his beloved mom. She noticed her little man straining, and it broke her heart, but Bertie was like a baby pup ready to go when he finished. During meals, he ate like a pup too.  

Bertie was long overdue for the Bridge, but we angels, who cherished him, buried the evidence of his delay. When it became apparent to the Powers That Be that he was missing, they decided to give the poor boy even more to deal with. No one had pushed the car further past E than Bertie, and now he was getting into engine trouble.  

His mom and humans noticed that he was staring into space and was not always aware of his surroundings. They also knew the problem was getting worse. Each day was his best because it was worse than yesterday and better than his dwindling tomorrows. His mom decided to end his suffering, ease her pain, take it on herself.

Bertie crossed over walking, and, after a brief stop to get sworn in, he continued, heading into the hills by the river, familiar territory for the little pup. He was never happier than when he was on a walk, and there is undoubtedly the land to do it at the Bridge. It wasn't until a couple of days of doing so that I saw him flying back home as a ghost.

Bertie is a terrific dog, and his mom feels his loss with every breath. She walks alone now, and she often thinks she can almost see Gertie running ahead of her. It is because he is there, forever going on walks with her. Sometimes, if the sun is right, she can ever see the grass part in a way it shouldn't, or a stray shadow, and should know it would take more than Bertie's soul passing to the Bridge to make him stop walking with her.

Monday, March 14, 2022

Sunday, March 13, 2022

The Dog Rescurer

When Bishop arrived at Rainbow Bridge, he knew his assignment. Along with his brother Apollo and their angel siblings, he would watch over his mom, rebuild her heart and help her find dogs who needed rescuing. There is no more incredible dog rescuer than Momma Kimberli. But Bishop had no way of knowing what fate had planned for him and his mom. 


Momma Kimberi gave a part of her heart to the dozens of dogs she rescued or mothered. The most considerable section went to Bishop, whose transcribed conversations with his mom delighted their fans on Facebook. Sadly, Kimberli did not have enough of her heart remaining to sustain life after giving so much away.


During Bishop's welcoming ceremony, he, Apollo, and his mom's other dogs suddenly stood and then ran to the nearest church, where they began to pray. We followed, and that is when we learned that the day Bishop came to the Bridge, his mother had collapsed from a massive heart attack. 


Being an angel means you have two opposing thoughts in your head at all times. The first is that you want to be reunited with your parents. The second is that you want your parents to live a long life, which means they remain separate from you. The latter wins because angels always put others first.


Initially, it seemed like her dogs' prayers, visits, and consultations with doctors in their dreams would save their mom. She was released from a hospital and admitted to a rehab facility. She gave updates on Facebook, which filled her friends with optimism. But it was short-lived. Momma Kimberli had given away too much of her heart to carry on. 


One night this week, Bishop and Apollo floated down to see her. They put a paw on her bed, gave her arm a lick, and told her it was time to go outside. Delirious from the illness, she told them she couldn't go. But they encouraged her to get out of bed. When she did, she found all the pains and illness of life were gone. Bishop and Apollo ran ahead of her, and she began to move with a quickness and agility she had not experienced since her youth. They ran outside where everything was still; then they came to a riverbank. The dogs jumped in, and against her better judgment, Kimberli followed. When they surfaced, they were on a bright sunny riverbank. Bishop and Apollo nodded for her to follow. Following her dogs, Kimberli passed over the Rainbow Bridge.]


Humans and dogs have separate entrances to the Bridge. Because of all the rescue, wor did the powers that be decided Kimberli could crossover and live on the Dog side. She was greeted by the multitude of dogs she loved and saved. There were a lot of humans who traveled to greet her, but they knew her heart would always be whole when surrounded by dogs. 


She was given a beautiful house on the river with acres of room for her dogs and other pups who crossed over homeless to live and be loved. We had imagined her being a mom to thousands of dogs who didn't have homes on the mortal side. She questioned why no one had tried to put the unrescued with people who, because of allergies living space, or stubborn spouses, couldn't have dogs on the mortal side. We told her matching these dogs with billions of angels at the Bridge would be a monumental task. But Kimberli decided that was why she was here. 


She had placed four dogs with people unable to house them on the mortal side by her first night. No one had ever made such a difference on her first day at the Bridge. 

Her passing is a horrible loss for the people who loved her as well as everyone on the mortal side. But the Bridge became an even better place for the dogs and never had a home, and the people who could not have them are now together. 

Friday, March 11, 2022

Friday Fill Ins


Each Thursday Ellen of 15andmeowing and Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs, provide Friendly Fill-in questions.

Here are the fill in the Blanks followed by River's answers.

Here are this weeks questions:
1. I love that ____________________.
2. To celebrate pi day on Monday, I will have a slice of _______ pie.
3. I’d like to be able to _________ every day.
4. If I ended up in jail, it would probably be because _______.


1. I love that I get better looking every day.
2. To celebrate pi day on Monday, I will have a slice of anything but pie.
3. I’d like to be able to sit on mom's lap every day. Wait, I do.
4. If I ended up in jail, it would probably be because I am currently running a Ponzi scheme based out of Singapore that is greatly contributing to global inflation. 


And that's how I see it

River Song



Thursday, March 10, 2022

Poetic Thursday

 Here is the picture provided by Angel Sammy for his Poetry Thursday!


I went to a gypsy who allowed me to see

What the future held for you and men

I expected to see great suffering and calamaties

Which I thought would drive me to tears

Instead I saw this beautiful and trainquil setting

Not the future on which the scientests are betting

But they my heart was filled with regret

As I realized this was a picture of the Sahara Desert

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

You are Dolly and it is your Bridge Day


 Imagine your name is Dolly, you're a cat, and you have been blessed with a  pack of brothers and sister, and are living with two of the best cat parents in the world, who care for your every need and chronicle your lives daily in a blog.

You have been hiding something from your beloved parents; you are not feeling well. You have gone to the vet, who has narrowed your condition down to lymphoma or an IBD. Regardless, your parents do not think your song is ending, which exactly is how you want it.

As your vet trip approaches, you meet with each of your siblings to tell them you don't know if you will be coming back and make sure that they all step up their game and help heal their parents soon to be broken hearts. You also make them promise there would be no sadness, so the humans did not suspect the severity of your illness.

You are not afraid of going to the Bridge. You had a wonderful life and could not have had a more loving family. Even though you would miss yot family terribly, you are ready to shed this troublesome body and live without pain.

What you are afraid of is the car ride. You don't like the noise, the motion, and being unable to walk around freely. You get so nervous in the car that it worries your parents more than any illness you might have. You hope there are no motorized vehicles at the Bridge.

When you got inside the vet's office, you could no longer hide your illness, and while giving blood, you hacked up a blood clot which opened the gates to everything in your body, seeking to end your heartbeats. A second blood clot came up, and then the heart stopped, and you are floating above your stunning ad, wishing you had one more goodbye.

You arrived at the Bridge to a hero's welcome. You saw all the cats and family members who preceded you to the Bridge, and then you had a fantastic salmon dinner. Best of all, you no longer carried the pain you sought to escape (not to mention no cars.)
You found out why you came to the Bridge when your dad was struck by an appendix attacked and needed surgery. Dolly was there each step of the way to make sure her dad got back to his important role of caring for Dolly's pack.
You are Dolly, and while you know you left your parents devastated, you are confident you left them in the best of paws.

You are Dolly, and you are sitting on the top of a cat tree in the bright sun, licking your paw, free from pain and cars, watching over your family, and waiting for Happily Ever After, that day in the distant future when you will all be together.

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Requiem For A Helluva Hamster


This morning, Pocket awoke and told me we needed to attend a swearing-in ceremony. I did not have any appointments, so I deduced it was a cat welcoming. After a lifetime of them bopping me on the nose and tormenting me by sitting on my deck and licking themselves, I, in the immortal world, have made my peace with and even befriended cats. I am not as close to them as Pocket is, but I have become more tolerant after becoming an Angel, so I got dressed and followed Pocket to the kitty welcoming center.

I don't know why knowing Pocket as I do that, I was surprised when we walked past the kitty center—she disclosures information like a spy being watered tortured: slowly and minimally.

I told her I thought we were going to see a cat, and she said we were going in place of cats, namely his friends Benni and Bobby.

"What did they lose? A horse?"

"A hamster."

"What?" I barked. "I am an important judge; I can't be seen at a hamster passing. What will the poodles think?"

Pocket seemed to pay a poodle's opinion no mind. She said that Honey the hamster was loved as a pet by her family and \\ deserved a proper greeting.

"They must have had the hamster a long time to be so saddened about his passing," I observed as we kept walking.

"She came into their home in the first week of January," Pocket said.

"Leas than two months?" I asked incredulously. "How attached can they have become to something so small who lived with them briefly?"

"Mommy was in love with us the first time she saw us," Pocket explained.

That's true, but I can only speak for myself. "Well, to be able to be loved in such a short amount of time, your friend must have been a helluva hamster."

We continued into small animal land, which made me nervous because they were skittering all over the place. It was very chaotic. We came to a spot where a judge hamster in a tiny black robe was swearing in the new angels.

Then Honey appeared, and all of her mom's pets who preceded her to the Bridge and the other hamsters cheered. Once Honey was sworn in, she was carried on the other hamsters' shoulders and celebrated for her grand achievement in making her family feel love in a short amount of time.

I had to admit; it was worth the trip:  Honey is a helluva hamster. 

Monday, March 7, 2022

Monday Question


Which Happy Potter House would you be sorted into. The choices are:

Gryffindor house is where you would find the pluckiest and most daring students \

Slytherin house members are most likely ambitious, shrewd and possibly destined for greatness. 

Ravenclaw house If you are looking for the brainiest students – you would find them in Ravenclaw

Hufflepuff house is where you will find the most trustworthy and hardworking students.

Sunday, March 6, 2022

Sophie Makes Her FInal Journey Home


Sophie knew her time was near. Her heartbeats were expiring, and her breath had grown labored. She could not hide the symptoms from her Momma Lori, who took her to the vet. That is when Sophie made her last request as a mortal dog.

Sophie's favorite place was in bed next to her mom. If she had to transition to being an Angel, Sophie wished to feel her last heartbeat and draw her final breath in bed with her mom.

I approved her request. While the vet's office people were exceedingly kind to me as I transitioned, all dogs prefer to pass over in their own home, making organizations like Laps of Love that employ vets who come to your home to help pets pass over invaluable. But, like in my area, the services are unavailable, so I helped Sophie hide the severity of her symptoms from the vet, so her last mortal feelings were her mom next to her and the warm bed they shared.

An unfortunate side effect of Sophie's plan was that it gave her mom a false sense of security. If the vet had not put Sophie down, that must mean she was okay. That is why to her Sophie's passing was a shock.

For the little dog, her last moment was perfect. She was snuggled next to her mom, looking deeply into her eyes, taking in all the beauty heaven would allow when she felt her soul rise out of her body as she took her last breath.

May be an image of dog and indoor

Sophie could still hear her mom's sobs, but she had no chance of turning back than a toy on a conveyor belt. I waited with her friends and family, who had proceeded her on Hobo's Landing. As she rode Enzo'sEnzo's Escalator to where we stayed, she kept looking back, wanting to comfort her grieving mom.

It was more challenging than usual swearing-in as Sophie looked like she would go back, and it was hard to keep her attention. But we angels have sadly become quite good at helping suffering new angels who miss their mom. We teach them how to visit moms in dreams, which, even though the human psyche won't allow the humans to remember, will still leave traces of good feelings in their souls. Also, spring is arriving, and soon Sophie can take the form of birds and pretty insects to check on her mom. All is not hopeless for little Sophie, who can still snuggle with her mom in her dreams as she did on her first night.

For parents, the road from grief is lonely, and it is hard for humans to understand the concept of being in a better place and someday being reunited. Faith is something that lessens the more we need it. But Sophie says her priority as an Angel is to find her mom's faith and restore it because it will be the light that leads her from the darkness.

Friday, March 4, 2022

A Nature's Friday Post




Nature Friday host LLB Gang

Join Us Fridays!



 A lone flower still blossoms for... - Flowers my Inspiration | Facebook

: A lovely flower grows in the middle of Doggyspace Square. It has a thick green stem with a full purple and white bloom reaching for the sun. As remarkable as the flower is, its story is even more memorable.

It has been given a prominent spot at the Bridge to recognize the heroic work when it was mortal. Flowers are not known to be brave, but this one, called Peter, proved just how strong vegetation can be.

Man used to know how to live with nature, use its gift to build their homes, and then pay it back by tending to the land and enriching it. Then man needed to expand its living space, and to do so, they bulldozed the ground, taking out majestic trees and forcing critters to be homeless. At the Bridge, we could hear the land scream in mourning.

There was one such development being built in Connecticut. The men came with their bulldozers to destroy the peaceful land, which held dozens of different land creatures and even more birds.

Then, as the bulldozers began to destroy the land, Peter popped his head out of the soil. The driver was surprised to see the exotic flower, not something grown in these parts, blocking his path. The supervisor yelled at him to keep going, but he refused. They were not supposed to destroy anything rare. It was time to call the supervisors.

The site manager did not want to wait for the tree huggers to tell him he could not complete his work. He bent down to remover Peter, and the flower went back into the soil. Satisfied, he told his men to get back to work, then turned around to see three more Peters growing as his feet.  

Frustrated, he began kicking at them, trying to unroot Peter from the soil, which he did successfully, and when he turned triumphantly to show his men the dead flowers, he saw between them a field of Peter's head popped up and somehow seemed to be mocking him.

The regulators appeared, and they could not identify the kind of flowers of the sort Peter was, then announced that all work on the site would cease until they could. Now, there are no preventing men from taking the land they want because, in time, flowers die, but for one brief summer, Peter's resistance gave the other woodland creatures a new place to call home and the trees to replant themselves elsewhere.

Sometimes, no matter how delicate something is or the odds against survival, you need to stand up, and hopefully, you can change your world. 

Thursday, March 3, 2022

Poetic Thursday



Angel Sammy and Teddy provided this photo as inspiratoin for the blog

I walked down the dark and damp hallway

"Please let there be an exit" I pray

I took my phone and found no bars

Without my little computer I was scared I wouldn't make it far

I turned on the light and shone it ahead

With each step my heart filled with dread.

Then in the distance I saw a light

I was filled with hope, no time for fright

As I came closer the form looked familiar

Walking past the wet stone pillars

It too had a phone showing it the way

Together we could find how to get away

As I held the phone to my face he did the same

And when I saw the face I yelled my own name

Because the figure ahead was well known

It was me, and I realized there would be no way home

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

On Dr Seuss Day Pocket Hear A Who on Dr. Seuss Day




Pocket has a favorite location.
Which she likes to visit each morn
When Rainbow Bridge is reborn
And the birds carry a tune like they are playing a horn

When it was quiet, and the sun started to climb high
Pocket slipped into the water and let out a sigh
When she heard a sound she thought was a fly
But it seemed more like a plaintive cry

Pocket was blessed with ears quite large.
And, when she heard the sounds, she thought it was an ear mirage
Then she saw a speck of dust from which the sound seemed to discharge
And she turned her eyes to make the sound enlarge.

Beyond the wind and over the water, she heard the word help coming from the dust.
No one else had Pocket's ears which were a must.
Because on that piece of dust was a land called Whoville
And they were about to get blown away by a gust.

The citizens of Whoville were concerned about their land
Where things were not working out as planned
They had existed for eons on the end of a strand
But we were blown off, and we now unmanned

Pocket promised to help them because she felt some appall
She knew the world could be cruel when you weren't tall
But Pocket lived by one phrase above all
A  person's a person, no matter how small.

To keep the fragile land safe, Pocket put the dust in her ear
Although the Who's constant chatter made her feel queer
And when she told her friends, they joined together in a loud jeer
Because no one believed little Pocket had a peer.

Pocket knew the Who could not stay in their current location
Although they were treating it like a permanent vacation
For now, Pocket had a new vocation
To give the Whos a new home no matter the frustration.

She brought them to her sister Foley who said she could not hear them.
And frankly thought Pocket was being dumb.
If Pocket could not convince her sister, the Who would surely succumb.
To prove the Who were there the little creatures needed to pound a million snare drums.

But Pocket knew a sound even louder than percussion
And asked the Who if a Yorkie was there for representation.
They had a little brown and black down who was becoming quite a sensation
And hoped her loud bark could save the nation.

Pocket knew nothing was louder than a hyper Yorkie
And when Zuzu, the little Who dog began barking, it was louder than a bachelor party
Foley and the other dogs realized Pocket had not been faulty
The Who were as real as a Christmas turkey

The angels built them a house bigger than a grand hall
Where they Who could live safely like a mouse in a hidey-hole
And Pocket was feted by the Who for being the greatest soul of all
Knowing a person is a person, no matter how small



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Foley's Tales From Rainbow Bridge: RIver and the Angry Monkey

  Pocket and I are blessed with classic Yorkie faces. When our faces are at rest, the hair by our mouth curves upward, giving the appearanc...