Thursday, August 1, 2013

A Blog With Not Enough Thanks by Foley Monster

Hello my wonderful friends.  Since I accepted my position at the Bridge our friends left back on Earth have been so wonderful to my family.  We have all been overwhelmed at the kindness and the generosity of so many of our friends across the Internet.

I hope to thank them all here.  I am afraid I am going to forget someone because there are so many to thank and if I do forget you then you have my sincerest apology and will correct the blog to include you.  Pet parents are the kindest people in the world any my passing is living proof of that.

First there is Leo and his wonderful Mom Eileen for this absolutely gorgeous painting of me that hangs over the TV so I can be seen with just a glance.
Tashi’s, Tiara’s, Trixie’s and Angel Lovey’s Mom Jackie sent the absolutely lovely bracelet for the Tanner Brigade so she can wear a reminder of me wherever she went.

Hattie Mae’s Mom Darla sent us this beautifully engraved and clever gavel from the Tanner Brigade.

Angel Mollie’s and Sophie’s Mom sent Mommy  replica of the mug I used as my desk when I was working as a lawyer.

Sophie and her Mom sent me a beautiful memorial stone.
Hobo and his parents sent a lovely plant for my garden.
My friends at the Tanner Brigade sent us these flowers.
Sushi sent me this awesome plaque with a human hand and a paw hand touching.
The weenies of Florida did this wonderful picture of me flying to the Bridge.
Tommy Tunes also did a wonderful tribute pictures.
As did Hattie Mae.

And Molly and her Mom's
Zoe Boe’s Mom Connie did this sketch of me

Jazzy’s Mom, through Pastor Fonzie, sent Mom a beautiful angel for me.

Hannah Banana II’s Mom sent me this wonderful blue rug that lies at the foot of the Foley Monster Leopard Skin Vagina Kittie Condo museum.
Promise, Megan and McKinsie had a tree planted in my name in conservation land so I will still be growing on Earth for a long time.

Thank you to Tanner’s, Ruger’s, Maxx’s and Cocoa’s Mom for the wonderful pup of the week blog, and for others who did blog tributes to me including my good friends Reese and Meika; Hattie Mae; Boudica; The Dogs of Brazil the DaWeenies; Tashi, Tiara and Trixie; Jeni; Leo; Koda, Josie, Wills, Emme and Mrs. Sophie Bub, Zoe Boe; Pokey, Maggie and Toby; Reba, Dodger, Logan and Raja; Max, Tupper and Boris; Smoochy, and Angel Ladybug.

Special thanks to Leo, Promise, Megan and McKinsie for staying with me during my illness and helping me get to the Bridge.

Extra special thanks for those that reached out and helped my family in a special way including Koda’s, Josie’s, Wills’ Emme’s and Sophie’s family; Hobo Hudson’s family, Hattie’s, Jackie’s and Fella’s parents, 12’s, Chappy’s, Whiskey’s, Blue’s and Jasper’s parents, Tanner’s, Ruger’s, Cocoa’s, and Max’s family; Gracie Beck’s family; and Tashi’s, Tiaras’, Trixie’s and Angel Lovey’s family.  If I forgot anyone, please forgive me.  As I have said it has been an emotional time.

And this is a list of some of the pups who sent us sympathy cards.  We thank everyone who did including Ace, King and Mama Eva; Hans, Bailey and their pack; Max, Tupper and Boris; Koda, Josie, Wills, Angel Sophie, and Emme; Scooter, Molly and Mom Diana; Maya and her Mom and Dad; the Gustavon Pack; Stacey Mama and family; Gretchen, Slater, Chase, Izzy, and Tien; Ruth and Angel Sparkman; Monica, Cheyenne, Kaiser and Angel Baron; Megan, Promise, McKinsie and Molly; Atlas, Presley and Jovi; Smoochy and Mama; Carola, Jake and Angel Amber; Cindy, Sophie and Angel Mollie; Virginia, Angel Ladybug and Max; Karen, Romeo and Chipper; Darla, Jackie Lynn, Hattie Mae and Fella; Hobo, Walter and Bruny; Paula, Jasper and Sophie Rae; Sue and Bella; Teresa, Nigel and Baxter; Betty and the Min Pin Gang; Hurley, Cali and their Mom; Zoe Boe and Mom Connie; Tina, Lily, Scooter and Candace; Judy, Gypsey, Koko and Ginger; Willie, Jessie and Sandy; Yolanda and Beaux; Jeanne, Brian and Otis C; Gabriela and Uva; Charlotte, PJ and Fern; Tashi, Tiara, Trixie and Angel Lovey, and their Mom; Camille and Gracie; Shiloh and Donna; Buddy, Gracie, Holly Keegan, Andy, Barney, Jordidar, Muffin and Keri; Sushi and her family; Vicki, Nase and Taser; Trudee, Maxx, Cocoa, Ruger and Tanner; Pat, Baarney and Tabaatha, Kim and Hannah Banana 2, Annie, Blossom and Wishbone; Debi and Jazzman; and Pam and Gizmo.  


  1. So lovely so many showed they cared in whatever way they could. Nice one to them and it must have been a great comfort to you.
    Have a tremendous Thursday.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. Blogville is such a wonderful, magical place and we're so very thankful just to be a part of it. And we thank you for such a heartfelt post.

    DaWeenies of Florida and
    Mom Linda

  3. Love comes from a dog loving persons heart and soul. Sure enjoyed and will STILL enjoy our Foley forever and ever.!!!

  4. Naww.... Those are some beautiful things...


Beat This Caption

Where the hell is that god damn snooze button?