Sunday, December 14, 2014

Boris, Minnie, Angels Max and Tupper are our December 14, 2014 Pups of the Week

Thank the Big Guy it was a quiet week here at Rainbow Bridge.  I did have to do a lot of flying up to the mountaintop to deliver prayers for friends including Smoochy, Sandy, Aran, Ju Ju and many more.  But we don’t mind delivering prayers.  Prayers are a sliver of hope and when you build enough slivers you can move a mountain.

Two dogs who flew prayers up the mountain with me were my two good friends Tupper and Max.  They were members of the same pack who came to the Bridge very close together this fall.  Their dual parting left their Mom crushed and no one would have blamed her if she decided to spend this Christmas hiding under the covers.

But that is not the way that Tupper and Max’s Mom operates, and if she had given in to the, intense pain that came with losing two heart dogs in the same year their siblings on the mortal side, Minnie and Boris, would not let their Mom stop spreading her usual Christmas cheer.

As Benjamin and I discussed last week humans are the most resilient species on the planet and they have solved the mystery of how you live broken hearted.  They are much better than us dogs who fall apart if Mom and Dad come home late or dinner is not served on time.

And the Boyz Mom showed that resiliency this year by keeping with a long held tradition of going to the Michiana Humane Society with donations of dog and cat food and supplies for the homeless pups at Christmas, plus blankets.  I am so proud of her for doing this because making Christmas special for homeless dog is a cause that is very important to me.

She posted that she could feel Max and Tupper with her and I can verify that she was correct.  The two flew down to be with her and see the happy expressions on the shelter dog’s faces when they realized they were loved this Christmas too.  And their Mom decided to forgo spending money on humans this year and spend it on dogs stuck in shelters waiting for their forever home.

You see Max, Tupper, Boris and Minnie’s Mom is really Mrs. Santa Claus.

I stole the picture on the top of this blog from her Facebook page.  She is standing outside of the shelter with Boris and Minnie, and, if you catch it just right during the sunset you can see Max and Tupper beside them.  

I wanted to personally thank The Boys’ Mom for providing a wonderful Christmas for those dogs who need it the most.  We are wishing her the Merriest Christmas ever

We know it won’t be without Max and Tupper, but you are resilient Aunt Pam so anything is possible.


  1. What a wonderful dog-mum! Using sadness to bring joy to others.

  2. That is so sweet. Have a marvellous Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

  3. What a lovely gesture and way to celebrate Tupper and Max's lives by helping other dogs find homes!

  4. God Bless Aunt Pam! We think it's a beautiful way for her to help mend her heart.

    Lily Belle & Muffin


Foley's Tales From Rainbow Bridge: RIver and the Angry Monkey

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