Monday, November 11, 2019

Monday Question.

Do you wear a jacket in the winter?

Pocket:  We don't wear one for the cold but we wear one for the wet.  We both have plaid ones for the rain and we have blue and black parkas for the snow.


  1. Of course. Poodles love clothes.

  2. if the jacket is stron enough, sure... let's sa it has to be a full metal jacket or something like that LOL

  3. Nope, no jackets here. Sister Zoe does wear a sweater though.

  4. Xena: Yes, mommy thinks I'm still a baby.
    Lucy: Only if it gets really really cold. I'm hardier than Xena.

  5. Our Little Bit is gone, but she refused to wear anything. So no coats here. No dress up either.

    Have a fabulous day. My best to your peeps. ♥

  6. Some of us do. Norma Jean and Lola are both old and Lola's coat is thin, so Mom likes them to wear sweaters or coats. Syd and I, Mackey, have short hair but we're tough and we don't like sweaters.

  7. Nope. But then, I dont stay out for very long on very cold days.

  8. hay ewe dawgs...ewe will knot catch uz in pantz, shirtz ore sox but ewe both look total lee awesum in yur coatz !! ☺☺♥♥

  9. Jakey and Arty wear one to stay snuggly...but I refuse!

  10. We have warm fleece coats made for a pug's unique build. They are from PugSnuggly. Hilda as worn Hazel's coat
    Mabel & Hilda


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