Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Monday Question

How do you react when a humans are emotional?

I will put my paws on them and if they allow me on them I will give soft licks and snugles. 


  1. da phenny yawns... he has some grinch genes we think LOL

  2. It concerns me and I want to help with hugs.

  3. Cat will go in the opposite direction of an strife, but may come out again if they feel it's safe.

  4. We get worried if our parents are emotional and try to comfort them by snuggling up to them.

  5. I know you do your best to comfort your humans, Ruby Rose.

    Have a woof woof day and week. My best to your mom. ♥

  6. Some of our kitties snuggle and some run and hide.

  7. ruby…eye sum timez help de gurl, and sum timez knot…cuzin daiz waza eggz pert at lendin a paw ta her pawrentz 🌸💚💙

  8. Ruby Rose I know 100% that you are a very loving pup during emotional times.
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. We're a spit household...Rosy is concerned and snuggles close while Sunny usually doesn't notice.

  10. We try to stick even closer than we normally do, and that is pretty velcro close:)

    Woos - Misty and Timber


Monday Question

How do you react when a humans are emotional? I will put my paws on them and if they allow me on them I will give soft licks and snugles.