For those of us who are lucky enough to know Smoochy there isn’t a better friend to have in the world. He is there to pick us up when we are down, to make us smile when we are sad, to make us feel loved when we’re lonely. Earlier this summer he almost had his ticket to the Bridge punched when he choked on a small ball. His Mom and the Bridge Angels saved him that day.
But shortly after that he got more bad news. He had a lump on his skin that proved to be cancerous. Oh poor Smoochy! He was like a pup in one of the Final Destination films. But not once did Smoochy ask about himself or whisper a bark of self pity. During the vigils and services for Moose, Molly and Sierra he came to our chapel to pray everyday and never asked for himself.
But Smoochy certainly had problems that needed the Lord’s attention. He needed surgery, the sooner the better. Unfortunately the doctor did not want to do the surgery with Smoochy in a weak state. To build up his strength Smoochy needed to eat. But he was so sad for his friends, and so worried, that Smoochy was too sick to eat.
And each time he checked on friends he never asked for prayers to give him an appetite.
But when word leaked out of the Great Lakes region that Smoochy was not eating he sure got prayers. We all prayed as hard as we could and sent hunger thoughts to him.
This week the doctor decided Smoochy was strong enough for the surgery. He got brought in and we all gathered in the cathedral to pray for him. His Mom let us know that he came through the surgery fine and the margins were good.
Except there was one problem. Smoochy was not waking up. I think it was because he spent so much time worrying about his friends and mourning them that he wasn’t sleeping as well as not eating. So when the doctor gave him his sleeping juice he decided it was time for a long nap.
But to us all we knew was that our friend Smoochy was not waking up and this made us very scared. Friends went up to the hospital and tried to tug on his ears and nudge him but nothing happened. His Mom came to see him but not even she could wake him up. He needed to stay at the hospital that night and it broke his Mom’s heart and worried us even more.
The entire next day we were all consumed with worry. Finally word came that Smoochy had finally woke up.
The doctor thinks he’s was able to remove all the cancer. And he doesn’t think that he will have any ill effects from his long nap. So this was a much needed story for this summer. A dog that had been diagnosed with the dreaded c, had an operation, had complications, and is now home safe.
So we salute our great friend Smoochy for the second time this year for avoiding the bridge. Twice is a lot for one dog my friend I think you need a long period of good health. So stay happy and healthy Smoochy, we love you.
And long may you run.