Sunday, December 9, 2012

Lou ee is our December 9, 2012 Pup of the Week


Pocket and I took our DS and Tanner Brigade roll call this morning.  Ginger is still missing, and we are very concerned about her and everyone needs to say prayers for her safe return; Clementine is still woozy from her eye surgery, which she came through very well, but we need prayers that she heals and the pathology for the second eye comes back clear.  But outside of that everyone is present and accounted for.  Thank the Heavenly Father for that.

So now we get to celebrate someone for a good deed, and this week we pick Lou ee for two reasons, one was his attempt to get a home for a lost dog, and the second is that he is a dog that can continually put a smile on our face.  

Although he is still a pup Lou ee has learned how to manipulate his humans like a senior dog.  His parents were planning on going shopping last Sunday but Lou ee raced to the door ahead of them sending them the message that he wanted out now.

After a few steps they spotted a black and white dog without a lead, a collar and was voraciously eating chips and the paper they came on.  The poor baby was starving.  

Lou ee’s Mom ran across the road for a better look and saw that the dog was emaciated.  

His Mom scooped the dog up and brought him into the house.  I have to give Lou ee credit because I would have been like:  “What, you’re bringing him in our house?  Shouldn’t we run a credit check?  Hose him down?  Is he eating my food?”  But not Lou ee, he welcomed the dog like a long lost brother.  

He ate Lou ee’s food, drank his water, ate more of his food, drank more of his water, and ate his treats.  Meanwhile Lou ee’s Dad to checked the local shelters.  Because of the rules where Lou ee lives his family was not able to keep the dog.

Meanwhile back at Lou ee’s house the dog was going crazy, running up and down the stairs, on the table, doing everything Lou ee was not allowed to do.  This was when Lou ee found out about the rules for guests and dogs who live in the house and how guests get away with murder.

Lou ee and his parents decided to check to see if the pup was microchipped, and for Lou ee to be chipped too.  The pup let a collar be put on, and walked with a lead. His Mom even said that the lost pup was better behaved than Lou ee which wasn’t funny.

The pup wasn’t chipped and he had to be left behind.   The man said if no one claimed him then they would contact her in seven days.  Lou ee’s Mom was very afraid that the pup would be put down.  She and Lou ee spent the whole night wide awake, worrying and fretting.

By the morning Lou ee and his Mom had decided that they would have to work something out with the property managers because they were going to take the dog if it wasn’t claimed.  Then came the call.  The pup had been claimed.

The dog was claimed by what are called travellers in Europe and might be referred to gypsies here.  Lou ee and his Mom don’t know what there is in store for the little pup and may never know.  Being the pup of travellers may not be the most stable life.  

Lou ee and his Mom found a lost pup on the streets and saved it.  They gave it food, care, and love.  And in turn they fell in love with it.  They did everything right to return to dog to it’s owners, and they still were left heartbroken worrying about the future of the little pup.  Sometimes being kind is very hard and heartbreaking work, but we believe they deserve recognition for trying.

We are very proud of you, Lou ee, and your Mom, and know that somehow, some way your kindness will be repaid.  

For now please accept our gift of song.

Lou ee Lou ee oh no
You a good boy now
Lou ee Lou ee oh no
‘You a good boy now

Went for a walk
Down the street
Found a stray dog
Brought it home to eat

Lou ee Lou ee oh no
‘You a good boy now
Lou ee Lou ee oh no
‘You a good boy now

You did not mind when he ate your treat
You did not mind when he lick your feet
He even ate some of your meat
You just watch from your seat

Lou ee Lou ee oh no
‘You a good boy now
Lou ee Lou ee oh no
‘You a good boy now

Your Mom took him to get a chip
They put one in your head
You left the dog it’s owners came
And we are left to sing your fame

Lou ee Lou ee oh no
‘You a good boy now
Lou ee Lou ee oh no
‘You a good boy now


  1. Well done. We hope he has a good life travelling around. They did all they could. At least someone was looking for him.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  2. Well done too and let us hope it is a happy ending. Have a marvelous Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

  3. Cool photos. Lou ee's mom is an awesome person


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