Friday, January 18, 2013

Another year, another vet

Another year another new vet. In my 12 years with Mom I have visited seven vets. Mommy never finds one who fits just right.

First there was a doctor in Norton whose waiting room was filled and many pups fought in. Second there was Raynham where our brother Jax went to the Bridge after a poor diagnosis by a man with brains like a lamb. Third there was Westbridge but they saw so many dogs there some of them would get lost over the ridge. Fourth there was Middleboro Clinic but the high costs brought out in Mom the cynic. Fifth was a doc at Southeast Vets but when he retired the new doctor was not kind to pets. Sixth was in North Attleboro but the high cost filled Mommy with sorrow, Now we go to a vet in Dighton that hopefully will make my Mom’s face brighten. And now that the effects of the shots have worn off over time, I will no longer be writing this blog in rhyme.

Monday, while Mommy and Daddy were preparing to go out,  Pocket and I were expecting to get shoved in our room when, instead, Daddy grabbed our leashes. Both of us got very excited, jumping and barking. I don’t know why we do that. We never go anywhere fun. We are either going to be groomed or prodded, But still the sight of those leashes overwhelm us with the possibility of fun.

We got in our car seats and were driven by Daddy Lackey and Mommy to a place we had never visited before. What could it be? A doggy fun house? A place where all our friend were?

Nope, it was a new place where we were going to get stuck in the rectum and not one of the fun place to get stuck in the rectum where Daddy Lackey’s “Uncles” go. There were no dogs in the waiting room which was nice because Pocket and I got to explore but caused me concern because either she didn’t have any customers or they were all at the Bridge.

Mommy filled out the forms. She asked Daddy what colors we were. He said black and tan. I was thinking perfect and wonderful. The forms were done and the torture was to begin.

The doctor was a lady. It has been a long time since I’ve had a lady doctor. Old men, older men, young men, thin men, mean men, smelly men, men, men, men, manly men men men. So I welcomed the tender touch of a female.

She checked my teeth but unlike the Southeast vet who didn’t like pets she did not announce my tartar was the final stage of death and did not demand a cleaning. She checked my butt but didn’t insist on squeezing and fondling like the man from the Middleboro clinic who made my Mom a cynic. When it came time to discuss shots she listened to my Mom unlike the doctor from North Attleboro who filled Mom with sorrow. And she did not stick anything up my rectum which would have ruined my Monday The whole exam took less than ten minutes and she gave me a clean bill of health. During my exam Pocket, who frets over me, and hates to see me getting attention, was panting and whimpering.

Now it was Pocket’s turn and while she continued to pant and whimper I looked out the window not really concerned about what was going on. Been there saw that. Her exam was done faster than mine because there were more things to ignore on her than on me.

Finally it was time for the weigh in. Mommy kept talking about how much I would weigh because of what she calls my “Buddha belly.” But guess what? I dropped half a pound. Take that lollipops.

Then came the big step. The bill. But Mommy was happy. So maybe we have a repeat vet.  A Lady Doctor who told me I lost a half a pound didn’t brush my teeth or squeeze my anus. That makes her tops for me.


  1. Sounds great. It's always good when you trust your vet. We've always been very lucky.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  2. What a fine dogtor. Let us hope it stays that way. Pip is always at the dogtor but she is 15. She just gets a quick check up too unless something is wrong. Her teeth can't be cleaned and there is no way she can take any sedative. We just cope. Have a super Saturday.
    Best wishes Molly

  3. Sounds like this new lady vet might be a keeper! :)

  4. Out vet told the Felix he had a pot belly a few months ago. HOW rude. WE're on your side.


Monday Question

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