Sunday, September 15, 2013

Jess is Foley Monster's September 15, 2013 Pup of the Week

I am a lucky dog.  I have so many friends, some here at the Bridge that I can see every day, others on the other side of the River of Life, that I visit in my dreams.  I am truly blessed with friends.  I even got to meet Abe Lincoln’s dog.  Mr Lincoln?  Little long winded in the story department, but his dog?  He’s a true joy.  (Fun true fact:  President Lincoln named his dog Fido.  After his arrival at this side of the river, to honor the President, people named their dogs Fido, which is why dogs are commonly referred to as Fido.  You learn all sorts of things over here.)

Some dogs, because they are new to social networking, or their secretaries don‘t have much time to bark for them, or just because they are shy, don’t have many friends.  That doesn’t make them any less popular than the rest of us, and when they get sick, their need for prayers make them the most popular dogs in the world.

This is true of our friend Jess.  She has about 175 friends on DS, but I think those are real friends.  A lot of us have 500 friends or more and when we see their birthdays on our profile pages we say “Who the hell is that?” and then we wish them a happy birthday because that’s the type of thing a dog does.

Poor Jess has been on DS for less than a year and she hasn’t spent a lot of that time healthy.  She is only 11 but she is going through a terrible variety of issues that need prayer and attention.  The poor girl has rarely gotten a chance to post about anything except her health.  

Right now Jess is struggling every day with tummy issues.  Among them is a nasty case of irritable bowel syndrome.  She just celebrated her birthday this week but she couldn’t celebrate with food like we all love to do.  In fact the little girl was so sick she couldn’t enjoy her birthday at all.

Although I mentioned that Jess doesn’t have hundreds of friends, those who are her friends have all left messages and said prayers.  But she could use some more so I am asking all my friends on both sides of the River to say a prayer for Jess, and you DS friends who don’t know this wonderful pup please befriend her at profile #36264.

And hang in there Jess.  Lots of prayers are coming your way. 


  1. Always wondered where the Fido came from...Rover we can understand.

    Poor Jesse.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  2. We send healing vibes and POTP to sweet Jess. We hope she is better soon. Have a marvellous Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

  3. We left a comment on Jess's journey. Any friend of yours is a friend of ours, Foley!

  4. Oh Jess.....Me and my pack and my Mommy and Daddy will all be saying a prayer for you. That IBS is a terrible disease. My sissy, April {she's at the Bridge now...Foley please say HI if you see her} also suffered from IBS and a few other things like Epilepsy. She fought hard and felt pretty good most of the time. So you fight too, and I hope you feel better soon.


Beat This Caption

Where the hell is that god damn snooze button?