Monday, September 11, 2017

Monday Question

We have just had two terrible storms. What is the worst storm you have encountered:
Pocket: When I was three, and we lived in the condo, we got 11 inches of rain in two days and our basement flooded. The rain didn't bother me but all the work that went into drying out and restoring the basement bothered me a great deal.
River: My first winter with my family we had a storm and got two feet of snow. The wind slammed against the house and the snow pounded the against the window. When I got up the snow was more than a foot above my head and I had nowhere to pee.


  1. We had storms where the wind was 100 mph and the roof needed replaced.

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  2. Two hours in a thunder storm driving a VW bug. It was terrifying.

  3. We had an ice stirm several years ago, trees down everywhere, cold and no power. Yuck!

  4. Lightning remembers way too many bad thunderstorms and the terrible thing they did to his sweet Angel Ciara. Misty hasn't lived through a bad storm yet, but with the arrival of our new brother, hmmmm, a storm might be a -brewing:)

    Woos - The OP Pack

  5. We haven't had many storms....actually, it's very dry here at the moment. BUT we have a back room and a carport, so we sometimes 'go' in there!

  6. we had a horrible flood once many years ago... the whole basement was a lake...the mama had a super smart idea, she emptied the buckets with dirty water in the bowl of the guest toilet... after the third bucket the whole water including other stuff came back like a fountain... that was literally sitting in da sh*t without a paddle... butt with a bucket LOL

  7. Luckily I haven't had to suffer a storm yet but previous paws Chloe lived through an electrical storm where the house a few doors down got hit by lightning and that set the house alarm off in our house....which....the peeps didn't notice!?!? (Dad was more worried about the stereo getting broken!)
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  8. WEll the worst thunderstorm we evers had at our house is when Dad brought home more cats. Does that count? There was lots of loud noises and booming. Stella Rose

  9. We had a big wind storm early last Spring that blew down lots of trees and the power was out for almost a week. There were lots of thunder storms all summer. Other than that, it's been a pretty nice year so far. We're thinking we're due for a long cold winter, though.

  10. Last year was the worst winter we have had in a while. Second all time record for snowfall. There were a couple of days that mom did not make it to work. She is really glad to not have to worry about that anymore.
    Hazel & Mabel


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