Monday, September 10, 2018

Monday Quesiton

Do your parents ever leave you for overnight or longer and where do you stay?  If your parents don't leave you do they have an emergency plan if they have to leave you?

Pocket:  Our Mommy has not left us in years.  If they have to we would go to her daughter's Kim's house.  I haven't stayed there since I was a puppy and ma not looking forward to having to do it again so we are hoping there are no emergencies. 


  1. We all go to the kennel too. Mom says she likes having us where there is a vet on duty. Our kennel is part of a veterinary practice, but it is not our regular vets. We get very good care there, and we don't mind it as long as it isn't for a really long stay.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  2. We haven't had to stay overnight for...ever.

  3. Our dog sitting business is run by a lady with MS. She can't walk the dogs any longer but she runs the business from home. She has a beautiful home with her husband with a HUGE fenced yard and a rescue lab that Abby likes. She always let's Abby sleep over if both my husband and I have to go West if Dad has taken a sudden turn and ended up in the hospital. Abby and her dog get along really well (smaller dogs, not so much).
    She just charges us what the boarder would charge but Abby gets to sleep in the sofa and gets LOTS of attention. It's not often but it's been deeply appreciated. Our back up is our regular dog walker will sleep over at our house. Abby just LOVES her.

  4. Ma has never left me overnight befores! I thinks maybe our next door neighbor could check in on me, butts I'm keepin' my paws crossed that doesn't happen. ☺
    Ruby ♥

  5. we sadly have no emergency plan for two dogs, but we will try to find a solution for such cases... it#s important...

  6. Mom and Dad went on a long weekend trip a few months ago and it was great! Miss Christie came and stayed with us all weekend. She's wonderful! Oh, and before Xena came, I went to stay with Miss Martha. That was great too! ~Lucy
    What Lucy said, only I missed Mommy soooo much! ~Xena
    Thanks for the reminder about an emergency plan. But with a keypad on the front door, anyone could get in to care for the pups with just a phone call.

  7. I hardly ever get left alone. The last time was when my peeps went to a wedding in Florida. I went to Ranchanna kennel. It was ok but I was glad to go back home.

  8. Mom never leaves us. The last time was when we were little pups and that time one if the ladies from the vet office came and stayed with us.

  9. Nope, we've never been left alone overnight, we appreciate it too.


Beat This Caption

Where the hell is that god damn snooze button?