Friday, January 11, 2019

Foley! The Musical

It is the summer of 2009. Foley Monster has been suspended from Doggyspace for publishing a letter written by the Princess, who ruled over the kingdom of Doggyspace.  The poorly written missive proved to many that the Princess was not fit to rule and a new, secure site was needed. As we open Foley is meeting with her trusted advisors Hobo Hudson, Hattie Mae, Ashton and Lily to decide if they should rise up against the Princess and start their own website emphasizing the Freedom to Bark.
Act One, Scene One:  Foley is at the dog part with her friends Hobo, Hattie Mae, Ashton and Lily
I am not throwing away my bark
I am not throwing away my bark
Hey, you, I’m a scrappy little dog,
Yearning to freely write my blog
And I’m not throwing away my bark
I’m locked out of Doggyspace left in the cold
I was just protecting a sick friend, sorry if I'm bold
I put friendship ahead of the rules
Those who don't make me want to fight duels
With every word, I tell the truth

Dogs can say more than ruff
Only seven years old but my dog age is older
Now the DS castle giving me the cold shoulder
This burden, this disadvantage
I have to learn how to manage
I need to bark, like a thirst to quench
I can't stand being on the bench
My voice has to be heard
I need you to spread the word
That the F-O-L-E-Y wants to create
Her own dog web site that's right
Is any dog willing to stand up and fight?
Stand with me through this dark night
The Princess will surely issue a decree
To keep her decendants from being free
So we need a new site this century
Please listen I am more than a busy bee
Want history to remember you?  Stick with me
I know I have the key
Eventually, you will see our ascendancy
And I am not throwing away my bark
I am not throwing away my bark
I am not throwing away my bark
Hey, you, I’m a scrappy little dog,
Yearning to freely write my blog
And I am not throwing away my bark

Hobo Hudson
I dream of life without this monarchy
Is it time for some controlled anarchy?
Princess, you can't lose members in this economy
The financial report should leave you panicky
And its time to unleash my bark

Hattie Mae
Yo I'm just a seamstress
Left DS weeks ago due to the stress
I need a site that quiet and private
No young dogs stirring up a riot
I'm going to unleash my bark

I’m just a little Yorkie you see,
But tiny ones can hit strong like a bee
Follow us Yorkies, we will set you free
And being able to post independently
When I unleash my bark

Geniuses, lower your voices
Hobo, my love, don’t limit your choices
Don’t stumble around in the dark
Let’s make a plan to take down this monarch
Just let me unleash my bark

Lily, check out who we got
Hobo Hudson, smart and brave like Lancelot
Hattie, your dress looks hot
Ashton, your hearts bigger than I thought
When we’re done they will say “how those dogs fought”
Who could imagine the Big Guy putting us in the same spot
We’re going to post freely whether the Princess want us to or not
I know I am a bit of an exhibitionist
Now someone show me where the ammunition is
Oh, am I barking too loud?
But I’m tied of only being to say what I’m allowed
I never had a group of friends before
I promise I’ll make all you dogs proud

Let’s get this girl in front of a crowd

I am not throwing away my bark
I am not throwing away my bark
Hey, you, I’m a scrappy little dog,
Yearning to freely write my blog
And I’m not throwing away my bark
Come on, let’s go
Rise up
If your not free you rise up
Tell your brother to rise up
Tell the lollipops to rise up
When are these dogs going to rise up?
Rise Up
I imagine a safe site we can all bark free
Where we can log every memory
Is it going to be up to me?
Who would ever follow me?
I have many friends but would they flee
To join a site where success is no guarantee?
All I have is daring and panache
I know some think I am a little pain the ass
But what if their anger can be turned to a movement?
My friends join me when Princess asks “where has everyone went?”
I think it is time someone took a stand
Pups need to be lead to the Promised Land
Where we will find independence
A safe place for our descendants
It is time to make a move for these DS transplants
A new private site, that will be exciting
I will name if after Tanner, now at the Bridge, he had to stop fighting’
It will be a Brigade where dogs can be barking and writing
Where we will form a more perfect nation
A site that will meet everyone's expectation
Welcome to the Tanner Brigade, my new creation
Give us a bone and we will suck out the marrow
I am finally thinking past tomorrow
I am not throwing away my bark
I am not throwing away my bark
Hey, you, I’m a scrappy little dog,
Yearning to freely write my blog

We’re gonna rise up (time to make a bark)
We’re gonna rise up (time to  make a bark)
We’re gonna, rise up, rise up
It's time to take a shot


Beat This Caption

Where the hell is that god damn snooze button?