Monday, February 18, 2019

Monday Question

Where do you live?  Tell us something interesting about your city.

Pocket:  We live in Taunton MA.  It is a small city with a big river running through it that leads to Newport Sound.  A 100 years ago Taunton was a huge manufacturing town specializing in silver.  Now the river is polluted and so full of debris any boat bigger than a rowboat will crash.  When she was a girl Mommy lived on the river and saw a big boat pass by her house then hit a covered trestle and sink.  The people climbed on top of the trestles until they were rescued.


  1. we live in a small kraal in rural france... it has around 700 noses and 98% of the population are idiots ... according to the mama LOL

  2. I lives right in the middle of England, the furthest away from the coast you can get..... called the Midlands
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  3. It's really tragic about the condition your river is in, Pocket. When will people ever start treating the earth like their home? the Mom
    We live on the outskirts Chattanooga, TN, USA, the bestest city ever. The TN River runs right through it, and has lakes where the peeps can swim. If we still had our boat, we could swim in the river, too. Except for Lucy, who is too heavy and Mom couldn't get back into the boat! And the downtown is something called renovated and has the Tennessee Aquarium and lots of other cool places for tourists. We live right outside of Chattanooga in a small subdivision with one street running through it and where peeps bring their messy pups to Mom to get groomed! Xena.

  4. We live need Greenville, SC and our downtown is so pretty and has a nice waterfall as one of the main attractions.

  5. We live in Rancho Cordova, California. We usually get spring in February but this year the rain keeps coming.

  6. Rochester NY is on the Genesee River which flows into Lake Ontario. It's home to Kodak and Xerox and Strong Memorial Hospital. Being in the center of Western NY, there are always lots of things to do, whether it's wine tours, festivals, museums, amusement parks, or just enjoying nature and the changing seasons.

  7. We live in Overland Park, Kansas. It is a great city that treats its citizens very well. We have a very good police force, fire department, and public works. The schools are all outstanding. There are a couple of nice dog parks, lots of good pet supply stores, and a wonderful selection of veterinary care. There are also beautiful parks and theaters and restaurants. It is a great place to live!!! Mom and Dad have lived here for almost 20 years now (they lived here for three years in the late 1980's). They also lived for many years in Massachusetts and Connecticut.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  8. We live in Eureka, CA...a very remote little town where we can go to the beach and see big redwood trees right next to the ocean!
    Rosy, Jakey & Arty

  9. We live on the flat plains of NSW in Dubbo....a city centre for all the outlying villages and farms. So we have all the major services. The Macquarie river flows through the city, and there are lots of recreational areas along it. We love our river.... Oh, and we have a zoo...a free range breeding zoo.

  10. We live in Pocatello, ID which is the southeast part of the state. There is a lot of farm land growing potatoes, wheat, sugar beets to name a few crops. We are near the Snake River and mountains are close too. The town was named for Indian Chief Pocatello
    Hazel & Mabel


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Where the hell is that god damn snooze button?