Monday, November 4, 2019

Monday Question

What breeds of dogs or cats have your Mommy and Daddy owned?  
Pocket:  Mommy and Daddy together have lived with a Shih Tzu, Maltese, Papillon, Yorkie-Poo, Brussels Griffon and a Siamese.


  1. We've had all Labs (3 were rescues) until Hachi. He's majority Lab but is classified as a "Supermutt" by a DNA place due to more than a dozen breed contributions.

  2. Chihuahua, Chihuahua, Chihuahua, Beagle, Poodle, Alley (x several),
    Miniature Albanian Wolfhound

  3. Sheltie, Fox Terrier, Fox Terrier, Old English Sheepdog, Irish terrier, Airedale, Airedale

  4. Mostly Scottie’s, ten of them, but also an Irish wolfhound, a deerhound and, of course, Roxy a bull terrier X Rhodesian ridgeback.

  5. german shepherds, doberman, IDK-but cute pups, WHFT, Huskies and weimaraners..

  6. Miniature dalmatian, several mixes, bully mix (Lucy) and 4 miniature schnauzers.

  7. You asked for it!
    12 Portuguese Water Dogs
    3 English Cocker Spaniels
    1 Beagle
    2 Beagle Dachshund mixes
    1 Dachshund
    1 German Shepherd mix
    4 German Shepherd Cocker Spaniel mixes
    1 Boxer Terrier mix
    1 Labrador retriever
    1 Chihuahua Pomeranian mix
    1 Chow Doberman mix
    1 Lab Shih tzu mix
    1 Huskey Lab Chow mix
    1 English Shepherd
    1 German shepherd Golden retriever mix
    1 St Bernard

  8. Moggy, moggy, moggy, moggy, moggy, moggy...

  9. So many over the years from German Shepherds, labs, flat coat retrievers, and many others.

    So many kitties from Persian to Manx to ally cat. Loved them all.

    Have a fabulous day. ♥

  10. Sam knows of a Retriever/Chow mix, a yellow lab, a Golden Retriever, a Wheaton Terrier, at least two mutts of mixes too varied to confirm, and a Collie.
    A few cats when I was a kid — "Mouse" "Tom" and "Ginger".

  11. Cocker spaniels. Dad had an Irish setter as his big brother.

  12. in all oh trout towne over de manee yeerz therz been manee a cat; bulldogs; collie, lab, pointer, mixed, shepherd, rottweiler, sheepdog, scottie, beagle N pleez ta forgive if we haz leeved sum one out ~~~ ♥♥♥

  13. Jakey Mixes, Lhasa Apsos and Shih Tzus!
    Rosy, Jakey & Arty


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