Monday, November 25, 2019

Monday Question

What are your chances of getting some turkey Thanksgiving?

POCKET:  We might get some deli turkey but my parents are going to my skin sister's so no food on the floor


  1. We will definitely get SOME turkey. Mom is pretty stingy with how much we get, but we still enjoy it. PLus the grands are always good for some falling to the floor:)

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  2. I sure hope you get some turkey! Ruby is hoping for some, too. Hope you have . a very happy Thanksgiving.

  3. no food on the floor? wow that is a tragedy...

  4. We'll probably get some turkey but Brother Simon won't like his, he never eats any people food.

  5. My ghostwriter has to work the entire TG weekend. No turkey in our house! Maybe we'll have Turkey for Christmas.

  6. Mom is cooking a 25 pound turkey and there's only two of them. She'll freeze baggies of turkey meat and we'll get it for months. Then in the spring she'll cook another one. She fixes it lots of ways, in our homemade food, mixed with rice and sometimes she makes enchiladas. Yum!

  7. Our family tradition is football and pizza so no turkey.

  8. No turkey here. We're having Filet Mignon, potatoes and gravy, broccoli and garlic bread. I wish there was some pumpkin pie, but that's not going to happen.

    Have a fabulous day. ♥

  9. hay ewe dawgz.....if ewe look reel lee "sad" when mom N dad leeve de houz; they will feel sorree for ewe N bring ewe home sum PIE !! :) ♥♥

  10. Mom & dad are going to our cousin Willow's house so it looks like no turkey for us
    Mabel & Hilda


Beat This Caption

Where the hell is that god damn snooze button?