Sunday, November 10, 2024

Foley's Tales From Rainbow Bridge: The Boy Without a Dog

There was a little boy who grew up with everything a person could want. His Dad was a successful businessman and he spoiled his children.

The boy was handsome and popular. He was also panointed by his father to take over the business.

He had it all.

But not a dog.

It is not clear if this was by choice. He was taught that there were two kinds of people. Killers and losers. A killer is cold, and needs a uhard heart. Dogs melt cold hearts. They would be a hindrance to a killer.

Every kid should have a pet. They need the unconditional love that pets give, and it would have caused him to care more about something than himself.

At 13 he was sent to military school to keep that little heart cold. There were no pets at the military school. Only animals that were hunted.

The little boy was now a young adult, with distant parents, whom wanted to be loved, or at least liked. Everyone in their teens has moments when the whole world is against you, and you are friendless, except for your loyal pet.

But the boy didn’t have one. His only friend was a sock with eyes written in with Sharpie.

Some remember the boy as a bully, others as depressed. He desperately wanted to be liked but making friends was hard, and his distant parents didn’t teach him how to be kind and caring, two things a dog would have. By the time he went to college he was a cold killer.

But not so much as to go to war. His father pulled some strings and he didn’t have to go. HIa killing would only be done in the business world.

He came under the tutelage of an angry, emotionally repressed, c;loseted lawyer who taught him how to be ruthless. He evicted people from their property, he didn’t pay his vendors, he discriminated against people he didn’t like, and when he ran out of money, he declared bankruptcy and started again.

His reputation grew, and somehow, through his persuasive words, he became the most powerful man in the world.

And people live in fear, across the globe, and what he will do.

Maybe it will be for good, maybe for bad, not even the angels know.

But, we are sure, it would be a kinder world, if someone had bought the boy a dog.


  1. No animal - most of all a DOG would want to live with that smelly old thing -

    And we'll stop -


  2. A dog would have been a better and easier thing!

  3. That man never deserved the love of a dog. We're sure he would have been just as cruel to a dog as he has been to everyone else in his life.

  4. Oh dear me I think every child needs to grow up with animals....they teach them so much
    Hugs cecilia

  5. Mom says she would never be happy without a dog in her life.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  6. I wonder how that dog would have turned out if he had gotten one?!


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