Sunday, November 3, 2024

The Ruby Rose Report: From My Upcoming Broadway Show The Miserable Bitches - "One Day more"


After being stuck in her crate for six hours with the TV on CNN Ruby was inspired to write a musical about what she saw, called Les Miserablbitches (The Miserable bitches)

Below is the lyrics to the last song in Act One called one day more.

I think you will find it timely

One Day More

Until we discover our destiny

After a year of endless electioning

Surely the orange man who did those crimes 

will be sentenced to do time

One Day More

I was not born in this country

After living here 25 years they wanted to deport me

One day more

Destined to go to a place I have never seen

From which three decades ago my parents departed

One more day before the storm

      Without the strong border we have no country

As we fight for our freedom

        they will not take my guns away from me

I have never asked for a man's protection

        God Bless America a country made for those who look like me

If I see him on the street that son of a bitch will need protection from me

The time is now the day is here

One More Day to a fraudulent election

We'll nip the steal  in the bud

We will watch those elderly volunteer pole workers

If we think they're committing fraud we will make them piss blood

Cut off the cock 

cut off the balls 

send him to school Chuck

 comes back Lauren Bacall

Their pronouns are they them and she

While mine are me me me

when he comes home strip down his pants to check his pee pee

One More Day to a new beginning 

From the fascist we will be free

Every vote will be counted

Until the race is called by MSNBC

Our democracy when threatened is always winning

From sea to shining sea

We owe it to our forefathers 

To protect this democracy

Where at least we'll be free

One day more

We will storm the Capitol Building 

We will take a dump on Nancy's rug 

We will hang Harris  and the  liberals 

and get pardoned in the name of freedom

They're eating the dogs 

they're eating the cats 

what we need is a demagogue

 to call them all rats

We will keep them all in barracks built-in liberal towns like Newton

We are doing God's work we don't need any absolution

Until we develop for these migrants a final solution

Tomorrow it won't matter what the pundits have to say

Tomorrow is the judgment day

Tomorrow we'll discover

What our God in Heaven has in store

One more dawn

One more day

One day more




  1. We have our paws crossed that the Orange Cheeto will finally be silenced and meet his judgement in the courts soon.

  2. Now that's one heck of a good theme song!

  3. The perfect lyrics and we agree with Millie and Walter. He should have been in prison long before now.

    Saw a good meme the other day that might apply
    "You don't want to flip my bitch switch"!!
    Hugs cecilia

  5. Where do we get out tickets???

    Woos - Misty and Timber


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