Sunday, December 1, 2024

Foley's Tails From Rainbow Bridge: Maggie's Two Moms


There are heartwarming stories—perhaps just fictional tales—about a dog caught in a dilemma between two loving owners. Imagine a situation where both owners, standing an equal distance apart, call the dog's name with hopeful voices. The anticipation builds; whichever owner the dog chooses could become its true master. If you find yourself in a similar circumstance, keep in mind that a pocket full of bacon might just tip the scales in your favor.

But what happens when you love two people equally, one of whom is waiting on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge?

Maggie knows she is blessed, having two moms who loved her equally. 

She and her brothers, Toby and Pokey, lived happily with their mom, Laura, in Massachusetts.  But, when Laura suddenly passed the pups didn’t know where they would be living or if they would be together. 

Enter Kate, who met Maggie during a cross-country visit to Laura’s. Kate was prepared to take all three dogs to keep them together, just as Laura would have wanted. A new adventure awaited as the pack travelled southwest to Arizona, where a loving new chapter was about to begin.

While the three dogs were older, there was uncertainty about their future with Kate—and yet, the new family was determined to make every moment count. Kate cherished her time with thems she must cherish time with Kate, the woman who has given them so much love. 

But the horizon holds change. In Maggie’s eyes, staying is the least she can do for her new mom.

In this new life, Maggie prepares for the attention she has longed for. She envisions days filled with new experiences, adventures at work, and a different kind of love that blossoms each day. Most dogs may not have the chance for a second act, but Maggie is ready to seize hers.

As Laura visits her in dreams, excitement and concern swirl together. Laura knows Maggie is facing a struggle, and there’s a sense that a call home is on the horizon. But Maggie is hesitant, wishing to create more memories with Kate, who has already faced so much in her quest to give love to senior dogs.

Parents have a sense about their pets, and Kate feels the approach of change. As she watches Maggie carefully, the moment of truth feels palpable, everything leading toward a significant reunion. Kate senses that the time might come when she must make the hardest decision, one that echoes with anticipation of future joy beyond the p

When the moment arrives, and Maggie’s battle comes to a head, Kate knows instinctively that the time has come to reunite Maggie with her family.

As Kate prepares to say goodbye, she braces herself for the emptiness that will follow, 

At that very moment, Maggie races across the Bridge, leaping into Laura’s open arms, where Toby and Pokey wait with joyful howls.

While Kate navigates the remnants of Maggie's life—dishes and toys—Maggie is discovering her forever home, showering Laura with kisses 

And as Kate drifts to sleep without Maggie’s soft breath beside her, Maggie is curled up with Laura and her brothers.

Before sleep claims her, Maggie sneaks into Kate’s dreams to leave a farewell kiss and say thank you. Her thankfulness is, a promise of an enduring bond, even as time marches forward—embracing the bittersweet of endings and the joyful beginnings that await.


  1. Our canine cardiac powers allow us to know - and to know what WE need to do - and hope The Humans do their part -


  2. Kate gave Maggie and the boys a second wonderful life fiiled with love.; she was so kind to share them with us. Now there are four Angels watching over her.

  3. Ruby Rose what a beautiful story of devotion and love.....
    Your assistant has a gift
    Hugs Cecilia

  4. We bet Maggie will visit Kate occasionally to remind her how much she appreciated being taken in by Kate at her moment of need.

  5. That really was a super sweet and heart smiling story!

  6. Lulu: "Kate is definitely a hero who earned her farewell kiss in our books!"


Poetry Thursday

  It is Thursday and Two Spoiled Cats have provided the following picture to give us inspiration for this weeks poem  It was a piglet wed...