Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Kibble Wars

Pocket:  Every morning Foley and I fight over food.  I  savor my food while Foley sucks hers down like a Dustbuster.  When she is done with her food she moves to my plate and tries to steal my food.

Foley:  This is completely untrue.  (OK, I do eat like a Dustbuster.)  As every member of a pack will attest any time a dog leaves their food unattended it becomes free game for the rest of the members of the pack.  Once Pocket ignores her plate I should be able to dive in nose first.

Pocket:  This is not true.  A pack is built on love and trust.   If one member likes to walk around a little in the middle of the meal they should be entitled.

Foley:  A pack is built on hunger and need.  We are needed healthy to keep our pack strong.  To do so we need food.  If food is presented before us unattended we eat it to keep strong and keep the pack strong.

Pocket:  That is ridiculous.  You are just being selfish.

Foley:  No, you are leaving the food just to bait me so I will go after it.  Then you pop out and attack me when I follow my natural instinct.  I am at my weakest, because of my intense concentration on the food, allowing you to get the jump on me, but I soon recover and bite your a$$.

Pocket:  No way.  I am not baiting you.  I am just taking a break.  And when I do attack you it is because of my instinct to protect my food.  Then I bite your a$$ until you cry like a bi+ch.

Foley:  No suh!

Pocket:  No suh!

Foley and Pocket:  Mom!

Their Mom:  Now Pocket, you know you take a few steps away from your food to lure Foley over so you can pounce on her and get into a fight.  And Foley you know that Pocket does this because she has learned to become protective of her food since you always try to steal it.

Foley:  I would never do anything like that.

Pocket;  That is completely untrue.

Their Mom:  Then who is causing the fight that goes on at my feet each day during meal time?

(Foley and Pocket look at one another.)

Foley and Pocket:  Sum Other Dawg.


  1. Food is food and if you can get a bit more....then go for it!

    XXXOOO Daisy,Bella & Roxy

  2. Sum Other Dawg always makes trouble here too.

  3. Gotcha guys. I have learned to wait till Tuppers done but I make him gulp by looking at him like I am going to attack if he doesn't hurry. It's life right guys??

  4. Perfect answer that darn Some Other Dawg! We don't fight over food although Pip will hover waiting to lick my bowl clean when I have finished. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
    Best wishes Molly

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Beat This Caption

Where the hell is that god damn snooze button?