Friday, August 18, 2017

Tails From Rainbow Bridge: A Poopiter Review

Late last fall, on December 2 to be exact, a request came across my desk from one Geordie D. Dog to join my Ning social network “The Tanner Brigade.”  It is my responsibility to make sure only the top dogs are members of the Brigade.   This Geordie did seem like a good chap, so I stamped him as approved and he quickly moved onto the site.
I was thrilled to see that Geordie quickly made himself at home and improved our little family by inviting us all to his Big Back Yard where we could gather and play.  I visit there several times a day for fun chat, games, and great companionship.
Some of my favorite dogs have parents who are artists, and I was excited to see that Geordie had a mom was quite good with the pencil and coloring.  She posted several funny cartoons that always brought a smile to my face.  I wanted to share these sketches with the world, but I am the defendant in several pawright infringement suits and could not afford another, so the cartoons were limited to our members.
But now everyone can get joy from Geordie’s mom’s beautiful artwork.  She has just published her second book which can be purchased here:  Poopiter
The story begins when Geordie gets a new little brother named Toby.  Anyone who has had a new sibling knows what a terrible bother they are it took Geordie a while to become accustomed to the little bother, which is all documented with great humor and understanding.
From there the book chronicles the escapades of these two cairn terriers and their often exasperated but always loving Mom.  Despite Toby’s tooting, his exuberance, and Geordie’s frustrations every drawing, and every word is written with love.
The duo's mom, L Bowman, has the gift that many of our parents have.  They understand us.  They are not vets or dog whisperers; they are dog listeners.  They can hear what we are saying through our tails and wags.  They know what is in our heart.  And they can express it.
These are some dark and troubled times and the cure for that is kindness and smiles.  
Here is my prescription to cure you:  Buy a copy of Poopiter and let the smiles come to your faces.  


  1. We love the phrase Dog Listener and we love the name Poopiter. Good review, sounds like our kind of reading

  2. Mom needs to get caught up on her reading so she can get this book!
    Hazel & Mabel

  3. Thanks for the tip - sounds like a very fun read.

    Woos - Lightning and Misty

  4. Wow! We'll have to check it out. We love science fiction and doggie stories! What a great combination for a book!

  5. We are SO going to have to buy that - I think the grandaughters, my dauther, and myself would love it being science geeks AND animal lovers. Poopiter. Classic!

  6. I love what you wrote... and I agree it is much more important to listen to our pets than to whisper makes a lot of things better I'm sure :o)

  7. Kindness and smiles are always on the menu at our place!

  8. That sounds like a great read!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  9. We bought it and LOVED it and so glad we got the glossy paperback version to better enjoy the colorful drawings.


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