Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Weekly Question

Have you ever dreamed of winning the Westminster Dog Show?
Pocket:  No, I would never want to be in a dog show.  Too much noise and too many dogs.
River:  Oh, yes, I would love to get up and strut myself in front of the people.  I think I am perfection and everyone should see me.


  1. One of my former colleagues was a judge for AKC. We used to show a clip of him at staff meetings from one of the big shows on camera going "Next - in Best of Bitches". I was the only female in the place, and it cracked me up to no end and always made him blush a little.

  2. That River Song...what confidence. Or is that what a big ego. We'd probably just want to play and race around like maniacs if we were at the Show!

  3. Lady Shasta here - when I wuz a young pup my mom put me in a couple small showz butt the only reezon I won or placed iz no other puppiez in the class. Butt me'n Miss Maizie agree - we'd rather b home snuggled with our mom. Bein'in showz takez too much werk.

  4. me neither... just the mama dreamed about winning crufts.... but before a pup from france wins in the uk it has to rain upwards furst ;O) so I say: dream on the mama ;O)

  5. I think I'd be a natural - I luv strutting myself and it are in my genes!

  6. Being a PRINCESS, I would get the job of presenting the rosettes rather than taking part I finks....although I do nose some of my ancestors were at Crufts and won prizes there
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  7. I don't think I'd do too good in a dog show MOL!

  8. We don't think so, but we sure would love to run in the Iditarod with all those sleddogs:)

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  9. No way I'd be in it. My nose is a bit too long and crooked for a proper cocker spaniel conformation. But ghostwriter says it's what gives me my personality and helps me make funny faces for the camera!

  10. We were so excited to see that Biggie the Pug won the Toy group at Westminster!
    Hazel & Mabel

  11. We never thought of it cuz they say we aren't good enough!

    Happy Valentine's Day!

    Keep Calm & Bark On!

    Murphy & Stanley


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