Monday, March 5, 2018

Monday Question

Do you have any sleeping positions that your parents find off or interesting?

Pocket:  I sleep on my back with my tongue hanging out of my mouth.

River Song:  I sleep on my side with my arms straight out like a toy horse that has tipped over.


  1. ALL of us love to sleep upside down with at least one foot pointed up to the ceiling, and if possible leaning against a wall. OR we like to hold up a wall with our feet:) But we aren't opposed at all to sleeping on our sides.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  2. We all sleep curled up in a ball.

  3. Curling into balls is the prime position here in wintertime. Everyone gets more creative in the summer when it's warm!

  4. Rosy likes to sleep like you boyz sleep curled against Mama!

    Arty, Jakey and Rosy

    PeeEss...We've moved! Our new Address is

  5. Oh, I sleeps in all kinds of positions! My fav is on my back with my leggies like a bunny.
    Ruby ♥

  6. I still sleep on the head of the mama... like a weird hat ;O)))

  7. I like to sleep semi-up-side-down in front of the fireplace, even if it isn't on!

  8. Well being a cat I have a very regimented sleeping schedule of 23 hours a day so I have lots of positions. The one mom finds most endearing is when I look like a sweet roll all curled up with my paws over my eyes
    Hugs madi your bfff

  9. All us Porties sleep on our backs with our bodies twisted so our back legs go one direction and our front legs go the opposite direction and our heads twisted backwards. Mom says her back would kill her if she slept like that but our ancestors slept on the boats and the twists kept them from falling off.

  10. When I take a serious nap, I sleep on my back.

  11. Not a position, exactly, but my Mommy thinks it's odd that I am allowed to sleep in the big bed with her and daddy, but choose to sleep in my very own little bed on the floor. Xena

  12. Usually I sleep kind of curled up so it throws mom when I lay in a sun puddle on my side like you River Song
    Hazel too

  13. Not really, though Dui does lie flat with his back legs stretched behind him.


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