Sunday, May 6, 2018

Hannah Banana is our May 6, 2018 Pup of the Week

This week tear filled clouds opened up and poured down rain on us as Hannah Banana the GSD, our longtime friend, one of the bedrocks of Doggyspace, lifelong companion and heart dog to her mom Aunt Connie, and giant of the dog world, crossed the River of Live via Rainbow Bridge and became immortal.

There was a time when it seemed every dog on social media knew Hannah Banana.  She was strong, courageous, intelligent, loyal and focused and those attributes are shown through as our humans read the posts her mother helped her compose and saw pictures of her brilliant face on their timelines   German Shepherd owners rarely get another breed after owning a GSD and Hannah was the personification of why.

Hannah grew older, as we all do.  Dogs are only born with so many heartbeats, and despite her and her mom’s best efforts, Hannah’s expired.  Everyone on the mortal side knew when she had passed. It was as if something big had been ripped from the world.  I think all the souls on that side would agree nothing will be the same without Hannah
We could feel the sorrow in Hannah’s heart when she crossed over Rainbow Bridge.  But she is a German Shepherd, and she put on a brave face for us. I asked her if she remembered our old Doggyspace days and for the first time since her passing she smiled and nodded.  I told her I had something to show her.

We came to a big stone wall with a gate attached to it  Above that was a sign the read “Doggyspace.”

“This is what we dreamed of,” I told her.  “We are together again.” We entered the gates and were met by Apollo who was teaching the unrescued dog lessons about humans.  Soon they would be placed with a human angel and know the love they never felt on the mortal side.

We went by Tommy Tunes’ popcorn castle, Hattie’s Mae’s House of Fashion, Willie’s swimming hole, Brooklyn’s tennis ball company, Otis Campbell’s ice cream shoppe, Scooby’s bakery, Leo’s tuxedo studio and dozens of other businesses and homes built by our angel friends.

“Foley,” Hannah said as she looked around and saw all her old friends, “you all did it.  You made Doggyspace into a real world.” I told her it was not us, but believing parents, who thought their dogs were the greatest beings on Earth and wanted to share their story and their love, like Miss Connie, a parental trailblazer in the dog social media.

Hannah Banana helped build a site based on love, kindness, prayers, and understanding.  Ten years later dogs share their stories and pictures on social media and bring all those attributes to a cold and sometimes cruel world.  Dedicated parents like Miss Connie and their loving, dedicated dogs make the world a better place.

Hopefully knowing Hannah is back home at Doggyspace will ease her suffering.


  1. We never knew about Doggspace. But it seems like you had a lot of great friends there. Soft woos and gentle hugs to Hannah's family on her passing.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  2. Glad you have created a Doggyspace that is all it was meant to be. Wish we had known Hannah Banana
    Hazel & Mabel

  3. hugs to hannah ans her is so true... dogs make this world to a better place... always...

  4. Hannah, give my soul puppy Meeka a hug for me ... you and she were fast friends on DS so many years ago it seems ... what a wonderful world all of us helped to build for all of you, our furbabies ...

  5. We are glad your shared the Doggyspace joy with sweet Hannah.


Beat This Caption

Where the hell is that god damn snooze button?