Monday, July 2, 2018

Monday Question

How much does the weather affect your outdoor time?

Pocket:  I will answer for both of us.  If it is over 85 and humid, or over 90, we only go out to pee.  We don't get walks.  Also if there is snow on the ground Mommy only allows a walk to the end of the street.  If it is raining hard, or snowing, we don't go out at all and use the porch pee pads.  No matter what I go out for my 11:30 at night poop because if I don't get that my delicate system is thrown off.


  1. We are grateful for central heat and air conditioning.

  2. During this heat, it is absolutely crucial to minimize walks and playtime to avoid heat stroke. Walking your dog on asphalt should also be excluded because if it is too hot for us to walk on with bare feet its just as equally too hot for our furry friends.
    World of Animals

  3. In the winter we go out a lot and we get to stay out as long as it is convenient for Mom, unless it is bitter cold. Then we have to come in more quickly. Spring and fall - no problem as long as there isn't a lot of mud. BUT summer - bummer, it is way too hot for us double coated huskies. Although our inner coat helps to keep us cool, we pretty much only go out for potty breaks during the day, and we get to stay out a little longer early morning and late evening. It's all good, because we do love our a/c vents. We just miss our walks.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  4. We have to be careful if it gets too hot and also the extreme cold. We are still pretty good about pottying outside but Mom & Dad keep a close eye when the weather is extreme

  5. We are lucky when it comes to tempuretures. It rarely gets below 30F or over 70F...but it rains a bunch. So we go outside for walkes and playtime all year long as it's not raining.


Beat This Caption

Where the hell is that god damn snooze button?