Monday, September 17, 2018

Monday Question

Have you ever, by accident, or even on purpose, nip a human?

Pocket:  Nope, never.

River Song  Yep, twice.  Both times Pocket and I were fighting.  I gave Mommy a small nip and bit Daddy hard right on the fingernail which made his finger swell and was quite painful.  Ooops.   


  1. When we were puppies, sometimes we might have grabbed a treat from Mom's fingers too quickly, but we don't think we have ever nipped any one. We sure don't want to do that.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  2. Bella grabs treats and sometimes gets a finger....

  3. When I was a pup and was in a little fight with Joey dog over a treat, I accidentally bit my ghostwriter's hand when she tried to break us up. I have never done anything like that ever again.

  4. Misty: Never
    Chamois: Never
    Timmy: Every chance I get to teach rotten children a lesson

  5. da phenny did that 2 days after he came to our crib... he tried to eat the nose of our dad... therefore his nickname is chucky LOL

  6. Nope, no nipping but a claw slip has happened a time or plenty.

  7. Dear friends
    Thank you so very much for this lovely and heartwarming comment about Madi. We feel so much love and
    gratitude from all our beautiful friends we have made. Madi was my inspiration and really the brains behind the entire operation...I just supplied the thumbs. Our motto was live life with gusto and never ever say WHAT IF....I will continue blogging with Angel Madi as my sidekick. I working on getting things in order. Never fear we will 'BE BACK'!
    Hugs Cecilia proud to be Mom of Madi

  8. When my pups are fighting, I try to keep my hands out of the way the best that I can when trying to break them apart. Thanks for the share, have a fantastic rest of your day. Keep up the posts

    World of Animals

  9. Rosy..NO WAY!
    Jakey...Are you kidding? Nope!
    Arty..Only when Mama deserves it(which has been three times so far).

  10. yuppers! Okays, mostly when I was a wee lass, butts every once in a while, while wrastlin' with Gpa, I feel he is cheating, and I gives him a nip. that's how I roll...
    Ruby ♥


Beat This Caption

Where the hell is that god damn snooze button?