Monday, August 26, 2019

Monday Question

What are some of the wild animals you have seen?

We have seen possums, squirrels, chipmunks, groundhogs, eagles, owls, vultures, deer, coyotes, turkeys, and rabbits.


  1. We have seen all the ones you listed except owls, but we do hear them along the trail. We have also seen a whole family of foxes and lots of little lizards and snakes and turtles - Oh my!!!

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  2. We have seen all those except lizards. We would like to avoid those.

  3. We have seen all of those except and owl and turkey. We've also seen turtles, snakes and a bear once.

  4. We've seen those plus raccoons. We've also had cows, horses and pigs in our front yard. To us they're wild animals too.

  5. We see birds and hawks flying around our yard. We both have seen goats and pigs and emus and llama's at the petting zoo. Do those count?
    Hazel & Mabel

  6. we saw toads and rabbits and da phenny even a camel in a park in the middle of a town!

  7. Mom loves your picture. Squirrels, lots of squirrels, and lizards (yum) and crows almost as big as a house and deer in our dinner bowls.

  8. In my yard I've got the Evil Squirrel Cartel, the Secretive Bunny Militia, the Miscelanous Mousie Mob (including shrews) many kinds of birdies of all sizes, and the occasional toad. Oh, and Mr. Cool Beans Cooper the Coopers hawk! On Rt 15 we have the Future Roadkill of America Club whom ghostwriter often sees on her drive home from work at night, including deer, possums, woodchucks, raccoons, and the occasional fox. My Florida associate Miss Charlee sees lots of lizards and snakes, plus feral cats, and armadillos too.


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Where the hell is that god damn snooze button?