Monday, October 28, 2019

Monday Question

In honor of Tony Soprano, we have a question about waste disposal.
What happens to your poo after you go.
Is it bagged right away?
Is it cleaned up every day or week?
Do your parents let God take care of it? 
If you go on walks is there a place where you can go freely?
Or is there something else


  1. Our poop is always bagged and put in the trash unless we go on the pads then it goes into the toilet

  2. We always bagged it and then put it in the waste bin. Got to pick up after our babies.

    Have a fabulous day. ♥

  3. Ours is scooped and placed in a Litter Genie until it gets beamed up to the mothership.

  4. The mothership doesn't want ours so it goes to the sewer or landfill.

  5. our recycled food is always bagged :O)

  6. We have a pooper scooper that we can attach a plastic bag to. (It was invented by a school age kid.) Usually my ghostwriter picks up the poo in the back yard every day, unless she's working a lot, or it's raining hard. Sometimes Dad helps with the clean up.

  7. On the surface, this seems like an easy question. However, there is no easy answer, even when everything is flowing smoothly. If our deposits are made in our dog lot, they may collect interest for 1 or 2 weeks or more. Our offerings to God are always made in the woods. And our presents to Mom during our walks are promptly collected and wrapped, then put in the big smelly can by the garage. Lucy and Xena

  8. Every day, I scoop the litter boxes and properly dispose of the pooplogs and peeballs. When I am out of town, The Hubby let's it ride for a day or two, 'cause he's lazy.

  9. Mom or Dad usally clean up our yard deposits everyday and they go in the poop bucket until garbage day. If we are away from home it usually gets picked up with a poop bag and deposited in the nearest trash can
    Mabel & Hilda

  10. I gather poor logs and pee balls every day and wrap them in a small bag tied off and dispose in the trash. She's not allowed outside.


Beat This Caption

Where the hell is that god damn snooze button?