Sunday, July 7, 2024

Foley's Tales from Rainbow Bridge: The Twice Saved Dof


We all know humans can be stupid. They are so enamored with their stupidity they come together every four years to elect the dumbest one as their leader. 

A person is a true danger when that stupidity is matched with cruelty. That point was made crystal clear to me last week.

I got a page to hurry to the angel-swearing-in spot. This usually happens when a [et dies suddenly, and it is often a hard transition, as an animal’s mind becomes confused somewhere between our worlds,

But, luckily, Max, the pit bull, remembered his last horrifying minutes.

He, his kitty sister, and German Shepherd brother were going on vacation together. Their tired parents pulled into the parking lot of a hotel where they hoped to spend the sultry Indana[polis ni[eght. Their parents, Norma Light and Charles Thomas, realized pets were not allowed to stay in the hotel, so those parents locked their pets in the car and went to bed blissfully enjoying the air conditioning.

I will pause here to let out parents scream into a pillow.

I had no idea how to help the two animals being cooked live, but angels rush in where fools fear to tred. I got to the car and saw there was not much time left. Neither pet could breathe and were so thirsty. I asked myself what my dad always does in the car and told the German Shephard to blow the horn.

It was the most unnatural thing for a dog to do, but when you see the Bridge Angels coming for you, and you chose the survive,  it is time for unprecedented behavior.

The Shephard stood on the front seat with his paws on the horn, and pressed, first weekly, then, like Rose in the North Sea. louder and longer until forces came to his aide

The hotel manager went outside us to see what was causing the ruckus and saw a desperate German shepherd honking the horn. Upon further examination, the manager saw the cat close to death, and that the pit bull had expired.  Having no way to break the window the manager ran back to his office and called the police.

Officer Poe was the first to respond. He broke a window and opened the door. The German Shepherd jumped into the officer’s waiting arms. The surviving duo were taken away to cool down and be nitrated.

The car was traced back to the duo who had arrived the evening before. They were arrested and charged with felony animal cruelty-kill. This is where they exit our tale.

The animals needed new homes. And it did not take the German Shepherd long because his saviior, Officer Poe wanted to save the dog again. After a few approving scribbles the German Shepherd was given a new home, a new dad, and a new name: Abby.

Abby’s life was saved by good people. His pit-bull brother lost his life because of bad people.

There are many more good people than bad.

But the damage the bad people do make up for their small numbers.

Thank DoG Abby found good ones


  1. A horrible story but it ended well for Abby and we are so happy for her.

  2. A sad story for the pittie of the family, but we're glad Abby and the cat made it through.

  3. There are no bad dogs...just bad people...
    Hugs Cecilia

  4. Thank goodness for that quick Angel response!

  5. What a horrible experience for those dogs and cat. We are so sorry the pitbull did not survive. So happy for Abby in her new loving home. We hope the cat found a home too.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  6. Lest not forget the Police K9 left in the vehicle by his handler -

    And we'll stop




Poetry Thursday

  Once again, Angel Sammys and Teddys Pawetaton have provided us with a photo for Poetry Thursday.       WILBUR COULD NOT BELIEVE WHAT HE ...